Chapter 188 - 189

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Chapter 188 Common Sunrise (Part 1)

On the roadside, the street lights came on one after another. Sitting on a bench in the park, I put one hand on the back of the chair and picked up the drink with the other. I took a sip out of boredom.

"Why did Senior Oishi come to us so late?" Momoro, who was standing next to him, couldn't help but ask.

"Who knows~" Kikumaru, who was sitting on the bench next to him with his legs crossed and pillows in his hands, answered. Next to him stood Kaidou, who had his short sleeves rolled up and his hands in his trouser pockets.

"What, Eiji, you don't know either?" Miki, who was standing by the pool opposite, put down the information book he was looking at.

"Senior Alon, what about you?" Momoro asked Kawamura who was sitting on the railing of the pool.

"I don't know." Kawamura blinked.

"Tezuka, did you ask?" At the corner of the pavilion diagonally opposite, Fuji stood leaning against a pillar and turned his head to the side with a smile.

"No." The minister, who was also standing against the pillar, answered in a low voice and briefly.

"Hey - I'm sorry, I'm sorry~" As they looked at each other, from a distance, Dashi, who was carrying a bag, waved and greeted as he ran over.

"Ah, here we come!" Kawamura stood up quickly. Everyone gathered around.

"I'm sorry, everyone~" Oishi gasped as he ran up to him, "I'm late."

"It's so slow. You asked us to come but you..." Kikumaru complained.

Fuji took a step forward with a smile, "So, what do you want from us?"

Looking up, Dashi's smile was bright and sunny, "Let's go hiking together!"

"Ah?!" Everyone was stunned at the same time.

"Go now..."

"Mountain climbing?"

"Let's watch the sunrise together!" Dashi Gu Zi said excitedly, "Everyone will go together, and you will feel good!"

When he didn't get a response, Dashi looked at the dull man for no reason. Everyone said, "What's wrong, everyone?"

"Hey~ we were suddenly called here, I thought something was wrong~" I put my hands on the pillow and closed my eyes. You should have told me earlier.

"Do you really want to go?" Taocheng glared.

Haitang clasped his hands together and turned his head, "Although I think sometimes you still need to be young and passionate, but this is too..."

There was a silence.

Momoro leaned over, covered his mouth with one hand, and asked in a low voice, "What should I do, Echizen?"

I rolled my eyelids, but I didn't answer. Everyone is here, what else can we do?

"Why, why." Oishi was worried, "Don't you want to go together?"

''Not bad." Fuji smiled, "I haven't seen the sunrise on the mountain yet."

"Ah, me too." Kawamura agreed. .

"In that case, I haven't seen it either." Qian raised his head and touched his chin with one hand.

A relieved smile suddenly appeared on Dashi's face.

"What should we do, Echizen?" Momoro came over furtively again. Why do you keep asking me?

"It's a pity that Oishi couldn't play against Hyokui. I must be mentally prepared for the upcoming Kanto Tournament." Kawamura looked at Kaido Momojo.

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