Chapter 94 - 96

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Chapter 94 Extra? Dragon

Early Sunday morning, I stood in the kitchen staring at a page of recipes.

Today, the smelly old man got out of his mind and asked me to complete the cooking as required. He also threatened that if I couldn't do it, it meant I had no talent for tennis, and I wouldn't have to play against him in the future. It's just a matter of making things difficult. What does tennis have to do with cooking? !

After he finished speaking, he wandered off somewhere. Nanako's cousin also went to participate in some activity at the university, and I was the only one left in the whole room.

Of course I am a cooking idiot and now I am facing my biggest crisis. How to do it? At critical moments, of course, you have to ask your friends to help. The first choice is naturally Kawamura. His family owns a sushi restaurant, so he must be very good at cooking.

"Burn it~" Kawamura quickly arrived with a tennis racket in hand.

"It's a piece of cake, just look at me!" he said confidently. Not long after, a large and luxurious sushi platter appeared on the table.

"Kawamura-senpai, your craftsmanship is good, but this is not what I want to do." I reminded.

Kawamura looked at the recipe and sweatdropped on his head. I bet you only know how to make sushi!

The second one called was Qian. As a data geek, he must be a jack-of-all-trades, right? A little thing like cooking shouldn't be a problem for him. (Author: Since it's a trivial matter, why can't you do it?)

Qian carefully studied the recipes on the table, raised his glasses, and a white light flashed on the square lenses. "According to my estimation, flour is 62%, eggs are 13%, and water is 25%..." He looked like an expert, and he was indeed doing it.

N minutes later, my dry hands were covered with wet dough and my face was covered with black lines. "Li, the theory doesn't work!"

Kaitang and Oishi appeared next. It is said that Kaidou's bentos are always very exquisite, so it can be inferred that he must also know a thing or two about cooking. As for Dashi, no matter how you look at it, he is just a househusband.

Haitang's snake eyes stared at the piece of dough, and he made a "hiss" sound from his mouth. I saw him rushing forward and grabbing the dough. "Snake ball!" The dough bounced out in an arc. "Boomerang!" The dough bounced out into a more curved arc.

"This isn't cooking at all, Kaitang." Dashi stepped forward and took the dough. "Moon-climbing volley!" The dough bounced out into a larger semicircle.

"Same for you!" Everyone roared together.

It's Kikumaru and Fuji's turn, let's be a living horse doctor.

I was surprised to hear that everyone said that Kikumaru was very good at cooking, and he looked so proud~ "Little one, watch it!" He knocked the egg against the edge of the frying pan, "Lucky! Double yolk egg!"

"Who wants your Fried poached eggs!" Everyone roared. Kikumaru is out.

Fuji stepped forward with a smile, picked up the rolling pin in one hand and the dough in the other. Suddenly, I felt a chill on my back.

Sure enough - "Yan Hui Flash!"

"Giant Bear Strikes Back!"

"Moby Dick!" There were balls of dough rolling all over the room. Kikumaru chased him everywhere with a "meow~meow~" sound.

Turning his head, Fuji said with a smile: "Cooking is so interesting~"

"How interesting you are!" The crowd roared.

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