Chapter 138 - 139

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Chapter 138 A Troubled Afternoon (Part 1)

The beginning of the afternoon class foretells that today will be an eventful day. Because I was never disturbed when sleeping in class, I was woken up by someone calling my name.

"Who are you?" I muttered, rubbing my sleepy eyes and opening my eyelids. At noon, I was pulled by the director to make up for the practice the day before yesterday. I am seriously sleep deprived now.

Not far away, Horio covered his mouth and snickered, "He is a substitute English teacher."

No wonder these guys in the class were all looking forward to watching the show.

The substitute teacher's face turned a little green, "Echizen Ryoma, read the text just now to everyone."

"Start on page 38, line 4." Behind him, Kotaro announced in a low voice.

"'Is this a door? No, this is a window.' The content of this text is really weird. Isn't the answer obvious? Is the person asking the question blind or mentally retarded?" I looked up at the substitute teacher, "Teacher, can I sit down? Speaking of which, since this is an English class, teacher, you should ask questions in English (the above words are all in English)." The substitute teacher's face began to turn green, "Huh? Well. Sit down first."

Hesitating After a while, he coughed dryly and said, "Forget it this time, prepare well for the next English test. If you get less than 95 points, you will fail!"

Everyone burst into laughter. Class monitor Yazawa kindly explained to the inexplicable substitute teacher, "Teacher, Echizen always gets perfect marks in the English test every week~"

The substitute teacher's face turned completely green.

"Echizen-kun, your English is great."

"As expected of you who came back from the United States, do you use English in your daily life?"

"So handsome." After school, I cleaned the campus with Horio and the others. Two girl who were on duty together gathered around me asking questions.

"Nothing." If you grew up in the United States and didn't speak English, you'd be an idiot.

"I also studied English for two years before." Horio said.

"No one told you!" The two girls interrupted and continued to ask me, "What is life like in the United States?"

"Does your home have a swimming pool?"

"I can swim since I was very young." Horio asked again.

"Wordy!" the two girls shouted angrily at the same time.

"What, don't you just speak some English?" Horio muttered dissatisfied, "right? Yazawa, Kotaro."

"Echizen-kun not only speaks some English." Yazawa adjusted his glasses.

"Yes, I really envy Echizen-kun~" Kotaro said with admiration.

"Now," seeing that they were all busy talking, I couldn't help but say, "let's finish the cleaning work first."

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