Chapter 265 - 266

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Chapter 265: Pink eye outbreak

As a result of the fierce fight with Tachibana's kelp leader, apart from taking a few bites of the bread Horio brought for me at noon the next day, I lay down on the desk and fell asleep all day, even during the afternoon swimming class. None participated.

That Kelp's first two eyes were bloodshot and then turned violent. Isn't that a sign of schizophrenia? What happened in the second half of yesterday's game was always as unreliable as a dream (author: indeed, I was probably sleeping and dreaming afterwards). Carrying my bag and walking towards the club room, my mind was filled with random thoughts.

"Hey, Echizen~" A bright and cheerful voice sounded from behind.

"Ah, Senior Momocheng." I turned my head and then stared blankly.

"Did you really run more than 40 kilometers yesterday?" With one hand on his bag and the other in his trouser pocket, he came over to chat enthusiastically. Taocheng's movements and behavior looked the same as usual.

"Taocheng, senior Taocheng..."

Taocheng was about to speak inexplicably, but was interrupted by a deep and rough voice, "Don't block the door, get out of the way!"

He looked up and looked behind Taocheng, with the familiar snake eyes. The image made me yell, "Wow--"

At this moment, the department door opened, and a team of people came out, "Okay, let's start practicing!"

They (Kikumaru Oishi Ganhe Village) all shouted He looked up at us.

"Echizen, are you okay?"

"Hey, Echizen?"

"Little one-"

After a while of shaking, everyone screamed, "Boom-bang!" I threw myself on the ground.

"Ah, Ryoma-kun is awake!"

As soon as I opened my eyes, the three pairs of red eyes staring at me blazingly above my head almost made me choke again.

"Ryoma-kun, what's wrong with you?!"

I closed my eyes and waved my hands, "I'm fine, you go practice!"

Lying on the bed staring at the ceiling of the health room with my eyes blank, I started to have delusions again - it was not schizophrenia. A precursor to a contagious disease of human alienation?

With a click, the door to the health room opened and someone walked in.

As soon as I took a look at that person, I jumped up. Even though I was mentally prepared, the special effect of the red and blue yin and yang eyes still caught me by surprise and made me nervous.

"You are here, Ryoma." Fuji greeted with a narrowed look.

"What's wrong with your eyes?" Although I was really upset about him lying to me, I still couldn't help but ask (forget it, people can't argue with monsters).

"I went to the greenhouse earlier and accidentally got a cactus thorn in my eye." He frowned slightly, walked over and sat beside the bed, "So I came to the health room, and I didn't expect the teacher was not there."

Wow, it hurts just thinking about it. Seeing him reaching out to rub it while talking, I hurriedly grabbed his wrist and said, "No, let's wait until the teacher comes." You can't rub the sand in your eyes, let alone the thorns.

"But it's very itchy."

"Blowing it will make it less itchy." I carefully opened his eyelids with two fingers, and I leaned forward and blew a few breaths. When I was little, my mother told me that there was sand in my eyes. "How's it going?"

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