Chapter 52 - 54

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Chapter 52 Singles between two people

"I'm serving, Echizen~" Senior Momoshiro yelled at me.

"Understood!" Standing on my own side of the field, I suddenly felt confident and the feeling was back.

"Do you think this is enough!" The Yulin duo on the opposite side roared.

"If the ball comes this way, I have to hit it~" I said as I hit the ball back.

"Come here with one more ball!" It seemed that Senior Momojo was also in great condition in the other half of the field.

"What, look carefully, there is a gap there!" I started to talk more, and without any hesitation, I lashed out. The ball accurately passed through the gap of the Yulin duo.

After that, Taocheng and I played more and more smoothly, and we quickly regained the game.

The Yulin duo repeated their old tricks and used double interception tactics to try to regain the situation, but this time they failed. I used a lob to force one of them to retreat, and I had no choice but to give Momo City a chance. Taocheng didn't waste anything, and a beautiful bottle-style smash (blockbuster) solved the problem.

"Damn it, it's not called doubles at all, we will never agree!" After the game number became 5-2, the Yulin duo went crazy.

Completely ignoring the other's anger, Momoro and I each played happily.

In the fierce battle, I hit another lob. One of the Yulin duo shouted: "Quan, there's no need to hit that height, it will definitely go out of bounds."

"OK." The other person responded.

"What a pity." I said slowly, "It will fall in the boundary." This was developed after a battle with Gan-senpai. The tennis ball in the sky suddenly fell sharply when it was close to the boundary, hitting the sideline just in time.

"Hey," I said leisurely while the two people on the other side were dumbfounded, "Doubles are really fun~"

"You're not playing doubles at all, okay?!" Veins appeared on the opponent's side. This time it was them who lost their minds.

No matter where they hit, they would be hit back. The Yulin duo who were in a hurry finally made another fatal mistake - hitting the ball to the center line.

"Open-" Taocheng shouted.

"He-" I also shouted loudly.

The two of them ran towards the center together. When the opponent was at a loss, Taocheng immediately took action and drove the ball into the opponent's field.

"The game is over, 6-2, Qingxue wins!" the referee announced loudly.

"Win, win!" the Qingxue Tennis Club members outside the court cheered.

"Really, with that move, I won..." It was Senior Kawamura who stuttered.

"Pfft~ There's only the doubles in the middle." It was Senior Fuji who laughed.

"..." The person whose lenses shone coldly was Minister Tezuka.

On the court, senior Momoro and I hit each other with rackets.

"Sure enough, he is still a man -" Senior Momoshiro said loudly.

"We want to play doubles!" I responded tacitly.

Chapter 53 Victory in the first battle

"You guys are really ridiculous." At the end of the game, both sides stood on both sides of the net to salute as usual, and the Yulin duo on the opposite side said helplessly.

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