Chapter 43 - 45

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Chapter 43 Surprises on Sunday (1)

Early in the morning, the quilt was lifted off. Karubin jumped away with a dissatisfied "meow".

"Hey, young man, let's sweat before you eat~"

I looked sleepily at the extremely excited and delinquent middle-aged man in front of me, and suddenly remembered that today is Sunday, so I didn't use an alarm clock and didn't need to go to the tennis club to exercise early.

As usual, he was beaten with a tennis ball by the smelly old man and then went to the front hall to have breakfast. I have some suspicion that the reason why I am so short is due to the mental depression caused by this smelly old man's cowardice for a long time.

On the breakfast table were two bottles of milk, which I hated the most. "Ah, I don't want to drink."

"That's not okay, Ryoma." Nanako's cousin's voice was gentle but firm, "This is your senior's wish, don't let it down~" She waved a menu in her hand - —The above is dry handwriting.

Do it with lingering ghost! I held my nose and drank two bottles of milk, then finished my breakfast.

"By the way, Ryoma, Karubin's cat food is almost out. You can go to the street to buy some later." Cousin Nanako said.


After tidying up and about to go out, the delinquent middle-aged man said to me with a smile: "Don't fish for fish, come back quickly~ I will let my two eyes fight you next time."


"But, if If you are going on a date with a pretty girl, it doesn't matter if you come back later. Teenagers need to be passionate~ I remember back then..." Ignoring the old man's long words, I picked up my shopping bags and went out.

The morning air is crisp. I started jogging along the river embankment. It would be nice to just run to the shopping street.

Suddenly, my eyes were attracted by an eye-catching orange headscarf not far away. The one wearing the orange turban is Kaidou. He held a tennis racket in one hand and glared ferociously at the stray dog ​​in front of him. The stray dog's body was dirty, and one of its legs was obviously injured and bleeding. At this moment, it was looking at Haitang with pleading eyes.

Suddenly, a glorious image of Kaidou beating a stray dog ​​with a tennis racket flashed in my mind.

Senior Haitang ~ You will get angry when you eat dog meat in a pot in spring! Kaitang obviously didn't hear my inner cry, he was ready to fight. He took off the orange turban on his head and rushed forward - tying the turban to the injured leg of the stray dog.

Watching the stray dog ​​go away, I turned around and ran towards the shopping street without disturbing Kaidou's swing practice on the river bank.

Oops, I forgot to ask cousin Nanako what kind of cat food she wanted to buy. How did I know that there are so many types of cat food in the pet store~

"Meow~ little one! Why are you here~" A big human-sized cat suddenly pressed heavily on me. The one with the OK bandage on his face——is the third-year senior Kikumaru.

"So that's it~"

Kikumaru-senpai, who figured out why I came to the pet store, patted his chest and said confidently, "I'll help you choose!"

"Huh? Kikumaru-senpai also has cats at home?"

"No." Kikumaru- senpai said. His eyes dimmed. "My family has grandparents, mom and dad, two brothers, two sisters, my sister's dog, my mother's parrot... there is no room for a cat." That's right, your family already has your super big dog.

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