Chapter 162 - 163

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Chapter 162 The ending of crying

"Qingxue!" Kawamura appeared in the stands holding the club flag, "Fight! Victory belongs to us!"

Waving vigorously, the Qingxue flag with a blue background and a red cross fluttered high in the blue sky.

He stood up, walked a few steps outside the court, then stopped, "Let me declare first, don't lose. Only I can defeat you!"

"I won't lose." The minister's voice was turned away from me. Steady and determined.

Picking up the tennis bag, I walked to the sidelines.

"Echizen," Momoshiro's voice sounded next to him, and his dark eyes looked at me steadily, "If you want to warm up, I'll help."

"No. Thank you."

My tone must be as stiff as stone now.

"Thank you for your hard work, on-the-spot supervisor." Old Mrs. Ryuzaki, who came back with Kawamura, sighed, "Really, why are there so many stubborn people in our team."

"Um...thank you for the compliment." I walked over Beside her.

"Idiot, that's not a compliment!" Mrs. Ryuzaki muttered behind me.

I walked to a secluded practice wall, took out my racket, and threw my bag heavily to the side.

Mechanically hitting the tennis ball that bounced off the wall, my mind was full of the image of the minister kneeling in pain with his hand covering his left shoulder. There was an imperceptible tremor in the hand covering his shoulder.

"Liars! Liars! They're all liars!"

"Fools! Fools! They're all fools!" The hitting of the tablet turned into a frenzied beating, and the murmurs turned into angry roars. I couldn't bear the pain like knives in my heart. .

I hate myself, why should I trust Oishi and duel with the minister who has just recovered from his hand injury? !

I hate myself, why am I acting like a child just because I can’t appear? Is that a request or a force? !

I hate myself, why do I have to score those three extra damn goals after a good warm-up? !

I even hate myself, why do I want to grab the position of on-site supervision, and understand all the details of the destruction from beginning to end but can't do anything about it? !

"Ryoma." A familiar voice came from behind.

"Bang." The tennis ball fell from the wall in a daze, bounced twice monotonously, rolled on the ground for a short distance, and became motionless.

I lowered my racket and heard my voice, which was so deep and changed, "Turn around."


"I told you to turn around, don't look at me!" My tone was rough and arrogant.

"Okay, Ryoma, I'll turn around." Why can his tone be so gentle?

There was silence for a while, then I slowly turned my head and looked at his back.

The little bit of guilt I felt towards him opened a small gap in my heart. The anxiety, regret, helplessness, anger, and the guilt that almost overwhelmed me all clamored to be removed from the hard shell. be liberated.

Stretching out my hands, like a drowning person grabbing onto anything I could get my hands on, I tightly grasped the corner of Fuji's clothes behind me. He held it until his joints turned white, but he couldn't restrain the violent trembling that spread throughout his body.

Prince of Tennis - I am Echizen RyomaWhere stories live. Discover now