Chapter 164 - 165

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Chapter 164 The following overcomes the superior

The author has something to say:

The narrator of this chapter is Hijiruo.

Little knowledge that has nothing to do with the text: The following is to overcome the top, and Danmei (BL) means to attack the bottom of the year. scare? Ask me what is Nianxiagong? Introduce, um, please ask someone who is knowledgeable and knowledgeable to explain it for you... (The rat scurrying around)

In addition, Persia's long comment won my heart. Authors who have such readers should burn incense. I would also like to thank all of you who have provided unremitting support. Your comments and cheers are the driving force behind my writing!

"Hiyoshi, listen up, don't look down on Qingxue's guy," senior Xiangxi chattered before the game started, "I have confidence in you, I must win!"

"I understand." I won't lose like you.

"Hiyoshi, don't take it lightly just because the other person is a first-year student." Senior Shishido warned earnestly.

"Of course!" Huh, I am the one who defeats the superior!

"Supervisor Hyokui has come up with a trump card!"

"Even the main candidate Feng won the singles, and he is the unofficial candidate for the next minister of Hyōtei!"

"Needless to say, he will definitely be the one to lead the Hyōtei Legion next year, Hiji Waka. !"

Standing on the field amidst the discussion among the people, I felt very confident. I have been waiting for this moment for a long time!

In the Hyokui Tennis Club, which has more than 200 members, as a second-year student, I can climb to my current position near the top of the pyramid, and my hard work will never be lost to others.

I have enough confidence in my own strength. Even the second-year ace Kirihara Akaya of Tatekai University High School, who is at the top of the country, I can compete with him on a par.

Inadvertently, he glanced at the boy opposite Qingxue with his hat lowered. Qingxue's player base is too weak. For such an important substitute competition, they can only field a thin and small first-year bean.

My thoughts came back. It is because of my policy of attaching importance to strength and abandoning the loser that I am valued by the supervisor. Shishido was able to return to the main lineup because his unremitting efforts have brought his strength to a higher level.

However, the stupid Kachichi and the ignorant Akutagawa were both beaten very ugly. Next, the second singles position belongs to me. Next, one day, I will replace Atobe as the number one.

"Huh!" Suddenly there was a sharp sound of wind that hurt the eardrums. They were stunned and stunned when the referee announced clearly and resoundingly, "15-0!" What? !

"Can you look somewhere else?" The clear and melodious voice suddenly brought me back to life. The kid opposite raised his head from under the brim of his hat, and his impressive pair of amber eyes seemed to be burning like a blazing flame.

"It's coming." He smiled in a relaxed tone and jumped into the blue sky.

"Stop!" This serve was played with an extremely smooth and graceful posture, but with a frightening sound of wind and thunder, it hit the ground and blew up a violent whirlwind.

What? ! When he was stunned, the racket flew up from his hand. "Crack!" The sound of landing was as clear and crisp as a slap on my face.

"30-0!" I could no longer hear the roar of the audience, and the feeling of being humiliated arose in my heart. I could only see the kid opposite me, and I was completely focused on it.

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