I'm Sorry (Luxsey)

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This wouldn't get out of my head. So take it while I'm still working on other stuff.
Canon compliant. Luxx pays Loosey a visit in her hotel room.

A couple knocks, then nothing. A few more knocks, nothing again. Just silence on the other side of the door. A third round of knocking. Nothing once more.

Luxx sighed. She should've known Loosey wasn't going to answer. She looked around the hotel hallway, not wanting anyone to hear her or watch her. Especially Mistress. Lord knows she wouldn't let her hear the end of it if she caught her trying to get into the other queen's room. She knocked again. "Loosey?" She called out quietly.

Again, it was only silence. Luxx stifled a groan. She really didn't want to have to put up a fight just to get the other queen to come to the door. "Loosey, I know you're in there..." She said, sounding defeated this time.

"No I'm not." She finally got a response. It wasn't the one she wanted exactly, but it was something.

"Loosey can you please open the door?" Luxx asked, wrapping her arms around herself and looking around again. "Before someone sees me and questions what I'm doing. And hotel hallways are creepy."

It was silent again, until she heard the door unlock. It opened just a little to reveal Loosey standing in the doorway. The other queen rubbed her eyes, not meeting Luxx's gaze. "What...?" She asked quietly.

Luxx was about to answer until seeing the expression on her face, feeling an ache in her chest that she desperately tried pushing away. "You're...You're crying."

Loosey shook her head and turned away from her. "No I'm not." She mumbled, trying to close the door.

But Luxx stopped her before it could shut, and she followed her into the hotel room. "Yes you are. There's literally tear stains on your face."

"No there isn't." Loosey kept denying, sitting on the bed that was the farthest away from Luxx and facing the window. She rubbed her arm, trying and failing to self soothe.

"Yes there is-" Luxx huffed at her denial, letting the door shut behind her as she walked up behind her. "I just wanted to talk to you."

"About what? Are you going to make fun of me for crying or something?" Loosey's tone was sharp as she rubbed her face again. "Not that I am or anything..."

Luxx froze, looking down at her hands as the words she had gone over in her head suddenly disappeared and left her mind blank. "N-No..." She managed to get out. "I'm not..."

Loosey took a shaky breath, pulling her knees up to her chest and wrapping her arms around them. "Just leave me alone..." She whispered, lowering her head to hide her face from the other queen. "Please..."

Luxx watched her for a moment, the ache in her chest quickly growing. "I don't think I should..." She whispered, watching Loosey's frame start to slightly tremble.

"Go away, Luxx." Loosey mumbled. The sharpness in her tone had faded away, leaving only sadness behind. "Please just go away."

"I'm sorry." Luxx finally said, unable to tear her eyes away from her. "I'm sorry for anything I said that might've hurt you in any way. I didn't mean to, I swear I never meant to hurt you or upset you or tear you down..." She trailed off, feeling like she still had so much more to say.

Loosey was silent for a moment until she took a shaky breath. "You didn't hurt me..." She whispered.

"That's a lie." Luxx said, slowly sitting on the end of the bed but still keeping distance between them. "You know that's a lie."

"No, it's not." Loosey sniffled, holding herself tighter.

"That's a lie too." Luxx pointed out, slowly inching closer. "I mean it, Loosey. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry..."

Loosey went quiet again. Luxx wished she knew what was going on in her head. The logical side of her brain told her it was probably more than just her that was the cause for the state the queen was in, but the anxious and guilty side told her that it was all her fault. The ache in her chest was making her wince at this point. She just wanted Loosey to be okay.

Minutes passed, and it was still silent. Loosey didn't speak, and she didn't move. Luxx couldn't handle the silence for much longer. She pulled herself over the last of the empty space between them, hesitantly wrapping her arms around Loosey's torso from behind and laying her head over her shoulder. "I'm sorry..."

Loosey went stiff when she felt her. Luxx was scared that she'd be pushed away and her apology would be rejected, but after a few minutes, Loosey's body started to relax just a little and she leaned back against her.

Luxx let out a sigh of relief, nervously raising a hand to run it through the other queen's hair. "You don't need to forgive me or anything." She said, even though she desperately wanted her to. "But I just wanted you to at least know..."

Loosey silently uncurled herself. She turned to look at Luxx, sending a pang of guilt and hurt through her heart when she saw her glossy eyes. Luxx watched as she laid back on the pillows, one of her arms out and beckoning for her to join her.

So Luxx did. She laid beside her, pulling herself closer so her head was resting on top of her chest. Loosey's hand slowly settled on her waist. "It's not just you that had me emotional..."

"So you admit that I hurt you?" Luxx asked, closing her eyes in shame.

Loosey winced a little. "Don't say it like that..." She sighed. "It sounds bad like that."

"But it's the truth." Luxx mumbled, pulling herself even closer in an effort to find comfort against her. "I'm so sorry, Loosey..."

"I know, hun. I know..." Loosey started tracing small patterns against her back, making Luxx relax a little. "It's alright. I'm sorry if I upset you at all too."

"It's not alright." Luxx mumbled, trying not to let her mind become clouded by the gentle touch. "You know it's not alright."

"It can be..." Loosey whispered, staring up at the ceiling as her hand moved to Luxx's side. "We can make it alright..."

"How?" Luxx questioned, looking up at her in confusion.

Loosey was quiet for a moment before she slowly moved a little closer. "Just stay here for a little while longer..." She said, the complete opposite of what she had first asked Luxx to do. "Please..."

Luxx's heart skipped a beat. She wasn't going to protest. "I can do that." She said, laying one of her arms over Loosey's shoulder and pulling herself up closer onto her chest.

And so she did.


Sorry it's short. Hope this holds you all over until I publish Crygi/Jankie

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