The Bat (Irma Gerd x Vivian Vanderpuss)

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Vivian can't just leave the injured bat she found outside in the cold, so she brings it in to care for and nurse back to health. But she got a whole lot more than she bargained for.
❌TW: Blood lmao

Vivian hummed as she set the newly carved pumpkins out on her porch. She had been adding to the growing collection of jack-o-lanterns all October, and she still had plenty more to go. For some reason, stabbing a knife through a pumpkin and creating pretty things from them was calming after working all day.

Vivian was a vet, and while she loved her job, her fellow employees didn't exactly share her love for the spooky season. She was the only one making the veterinary hospital look cute and fun for Halloween by painting little bats and ghosts in the windows and setting small pumpkins outside. Some told her it was overkill, but she liked the little decorations.

She closed her door after lighting the newest jack-o-lantern. The inside of her house was covered in even more Halloween decorations. Giant fake spiders, little plastic skeletons, orange lights lining the shelves, anything she could find and thought were spooky and fun.

Just as Vivian was about to start getting things ready for the next day, there was a bang against the front door. She jumped, quickly turning around and facing it. There was no sound after that, so she walked over and carefully opened it.

There was no one standing in front of her. She looked around and saw no one else around either. She was about to close the door and go back inside, until the glow from the carved pumpkins lit up something on the ground.

Vivian gasped softly. A bat laid limp on the porch, its chest rising and falling quickly but its eyes remaining closed. Her vet instincts immediately kicked in, and she kneeled down to gently scoop up the tiny creature in her hands.

"You poor little thing..." She said quietly, gently running a finger over the short fur on the bat's head. "Come inside with me so I can take care of you."

Vivian carried the bat inside. She had never cared for one before. She was used to the usual cats and dogs and the smallest animal she had ever worked on was a hamster. So this was completely new. She found the softest towel she could and laid it in a small box, setting the bat on top of it to start examining its wings.

They didn't seem broken, but they did lay limply at the bat's sides. Vivian tilted her head a little. While still small, this bat seemed to be a lot larger than she thought they usually were. She hummed, going to find a syringe to fill with water.

She was hoping that would wake the creature up. She held the end of the syringe to its mouth, letting small water droplets fall past its lips. The bat's mouth moved slightly, tiny sharp teeth poking out.

Vivian smiled a little when seeings its quick breaths start to calm. She set the syringe to the side, stroking its fur again. "You can stay in here until I'm sure you're okay to be set free again."

She replaced the small towel with a heating pad, and she beamed when the bat curled up on top of it. She carried the box up to her bedroom, setting it on one side of the bed so she'd be able to keep a close eye on it throughout the night.

The bat continued to sleep as Vivian got herself ready for bed, not making a sound. And even as she looked it over one more time before she went to bed, it showed no sign of discomfort.

Vivian hummed, planning on releasing the creature back outside tomorrow. She figured it just needed some rest after taking that fall. She turned over under her blankets to sleep, but beside her, the bat started to stir.


Vivian woke up that next morning to the sound of a groan that she thought she heard. She opened her eyes, light shining in from the window. She was about to turn around to check on the bat, but froze up when the bed shifted and whatever was next to her groaned again.

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