Daya's Confusion (S14 Top 5)

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Back on my bullshit since they're touring.
The gays mess with sleeping Daya

"How long do you think it'll take her to notice?" Angie asked, an amused look on her face as she sat on the unoccupied bed in the hotel room.

Bosco looked as if she'd burst into a fit of giggles at any moment, her eyes focused on the other bed. "Who knows. Not much disturbs sleeping Daya."

"I'll take that as I'm not gonna be moving anytime soon." Camden said, squeaking when Daya's arms tightened around her and the taller queen buried her head in her neck. Camden was trapped on the hotel bed where Bosco had once been laying. She had laid beside Daya as a joke when Bosco had gotten up, and now that Daya thought she was actually holding Bosco, there was no way she was letting go.

Daya mumbled in her sleep, pulling who she thought was Bosco impossibly closer. Willow sat beside Angie, leaning against her shoulder. "It's all over when Daya tries kissing her."

"Oh Camden's getting her ass forcibly removed if that happens." Bosco said, looking through Daya's suitcase. "Those are for me."

"Now don't stand in the way of true love, Boscie." Camden said teasingly, interrupted by her yelping when Daya rolled on top of her. She gasped for air. "Fucking hell Daya-"

Bosco pulled out one of Daya's hoodies, stripping herself of her shirt and pulling that on instead. She turned to Camden. "Now you know what I go through every night."

"Her grip can't possibly be that hard." Angie said, pulling herself up. She attempted to raise one of Daya's arms, but the other queen just yawned and snuggled Camden tighter.

Camden squirmed in her grasp, groaning quietly. "Trust me, it is-"

Daya started to stir from all the talking. She moved back onto her side, holding Camden to her chest and letting out a content sigh. She kept her eyes closed, still very certain she was cuddling her girlfriend. "I love you..." She mumbled sleepily, pressing a kiss against the top of not Bosco's head.

Both Camden and Bosco froze, Angie and Willow trying their best to hold in their laughter. Camden smiled, winking at Bosco. "Aw, thank you Daya. You aren't that bad yourself."

Daya's eyes snapped wide open immediately. She slowly looked down at the queen in her arms, in a stunned silence for a moment before she screamed and shoved Camden off of the bed. "You are not my girlfriend-"

Camden yelped when she fell to the floor, and the other queens finally let out their laughter. Daya wiped her lips, huffing and turning to find Bosco laughing as well. The girl straightened herself out, covering her mouth to keep herself from laughing more.

Daya groaned. "You bunch of bullies-" She pouted, holding her arms out for Bosco instead of Camden. "I thought you felt smaller than usual..."

Bosco calmed her giggles, pulling the sleeves of Daya's hoodie down over her hands before snuggling against her chest like she wanted. "You're the one who grabbed onto Camden when she laid next to you."

"But you could've warned me-" Daya protested, wrapping her arms around Bosco now and laying back down with her instead.

"No way. The face you made when you realized it was Camden you were all over was great." Willow teased, making Daya blush and let out another groan.

Bosco smiled, shaking her head and adjusting herself so Daya was resting her head against her chest. "You big baby." She said affectionately, kissing the top of her head. "You just wanted to cuddle~"

Daya narrowed her eyes, hiding her face against Bosco's chest but squeezing her tightly in her arms. "Okay now you're just trying to embarrass me-"

"Does this mean you don't love me?" Camden asked in a teasing tone with a fake pout, Angie having helped her off the floor and now holding her this time.

"I love you, but definitely not romantically-" Daya huffed and turned over, bringing Bosco with her and making her squeal. The taller queen looked up at her expectantly, letting her lay her sleeve covered hands on her cheeks. "You owe me something now."

Bosco raised a brow, stroking Daya's cheeks with her thumbs. "Oh do I?"

Daya nodded, leaning her head against the palm of one of her hands. "Yes, you do. To make up for making me think Camden was you."

Bosco couldn't help but smile. "You poor thing." She cooed, pressing soft kisses against Daya's lips and cheeks. "You had to cuddle someone who wasn't me for a couple minutes. How tragic."

"Very tragic." Daya whined, chasing Bosco's lips whenever she pulled away from them. "Camden's ass isn't as nice as yours."

"Hey-" Camden was offended, holding her hand over her chest. "I'm doing my best with what I've got-"

Angie tried not to laugh, lifting Camden out of her lap and sitting her beside Willow. She stood up, walking over to the other bed and nudging Daya's shoulder. "Alright love birds, get up. We've got places to be."

Willow gagged from the other bed. "We're gonna have to suffer through them being all over each other this whole tour aren't we?"

"You're just jealous I get to kiss Bosco and you don't." Daya said with a smile as she finally stood up, grabbing her girlfriend by the waist and lifting her over her shoulder. Bosco squeaked, holding onto Daya to steady herself.

"Well, I might be a little jealous about that." Camden shrugged, earning a look from Angie that made her quickly correct herself. "Kidding, just kidding~"

"That's what I thought." Angie smiled, grabbing her things and holding a hand out for the other queen to take.

Daya set Bosco down so she could grab a jacket the girl hadn't yet stolen. "You still owe me." She said, giving her a playful wink.

Bosco rolled her eyes but still smiled, taking her hand and lacing their fingers together. "Fine. I'll do something for you tonight. Sound good?"

Daya blushed, nodding quickly as they followed the other three out of the hotel room. "That sounds perfect to me-"


This tour is gonna give me serotonin. So have this

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