The Project (Season 14 Multiship) [Part 1]

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Ah yes, the one where they're science project partners
Pairings: Camden x Angie, Orion x Jorgeous, Bosco x Jasmine, and best chaotic friendship with Maddy and Daya

The second semester final project was coming up quick, and the science department teachers were not letting their students forget it. Charles High School was covered in posters about the science fair, reminding everyone to be prepared.

The day it was time to choose partners, all eyes in the classroom were on Jorgeous. Her grades were the best of the best, and it was already known that whoever partnered with her would have an automatic A on the project.

But Jorgeous had other plans. No way was she going to let anyone come and claim her. When Miss Kornbread announced it was time to choose their partners, Jorgeous stood up first and gathered her things, all the students who were already trying to go to her pausing in surprise. Jorgeous pushed past them as she walked to the back, blushing softly when Orion gave her a sly smile.

"I'm honored you would choose me, baby." Orion teased, moving her stuff over so Jorgeous had room for hers on the desk.

Jorgeous sat beside her and pushed up her glasses, laughing a little at the groans from the other students who had to find someone else. "At least I know you won't make me do all the work."

"Of course not, we'll work together." Orion pressed a quick kiss to her cheek before opening her notebook to start brainstorming ideas. The two had been dating for a couple months now, being rather quiet about it until Orion couldn't handle trying not to be affectionate around other people.

"God damnit." Bosco mumbled to herself as she watched Jorgeous and Orion work together. Her grade in the class was definitely not the best, probably leaning towards the worst. Her plan was to have Jorgeous be her ticket to an A on the project, but now that was out of the question.

She turned to examine the classroom, trying to find anyone smart who didn't have a partner yet. Her eyes finally settled on Jasmine, who had unfortunately fallen victim to being the third wheel friend, the other two friends already claiming each other as partners. Bosco smiled and walked over, dropping her stuff on Jasmine's desk and making her jump. "Hey new friend. Hope you don't mind us being partners."

Jasmine was a bit surprised but shook her head, scooting over for Bosco. "I don't mind."

Jasmine wasn't the absolute smartest student, but she definitely wasn't dumb. Her and Bosco had a couple classes together, but they didn't talk that much. Actually, Jasmine was known to talk a lot, but she didn't know Bosco like that yet. As Bosco sat beside her she couldn't help but notice the different doodles all around Jasmine's notebook.

Jasmine took notice of her staring, shrugging. "I get bored and fidgety."

Bosco blushed softly when getting caught staring, shaking her head and focusing on her own notebook. "Do you have any ideas?-"

As they discussed what their project would be on, Angeria looked towards the corner of the classroom, sighing softly. There sat Camden who always seemed to prefer working alone. Kerri had encouraged Angeria to go offer to be her partner, but she was still unsure and nervous.

"Come on, Angie. Just go for it," Kerri nudged Angeria's shoulder, her arm linked with Willow's. "Hurry before someone else goes and snatches her up."

Angeria looked back over towards Camden before nodding and slowly walking over, knocking on the desk to get Camden's attention.

Camden looked up at her, eyes wide as she rubbed her arm. "Yeah?"

"Would to be my partner for the project?" Angeria asked, giving her a smile so she didn't seem so nervous. "I promise I won't make you do all the work."

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