Filled Hearts (Maddy Morphosis x Kerri Colby)

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❌TW: Memories of transphobia❌
Everyone is born with a tattoo of a heart on their wrist. It remains only as lineart until they meet their soulmate for the first time.  That is when it fills up. The burn they feel will only stop once the tattoos are pressed together. Maddy and Kerri weren't at all expecting to experience it this way.

Maddy was already stressed enough as it is. She kept her arms wrapped around herself as Deja read Daya's message on the mirror, making sure her wrist was out of everyone's sight. It was a stupid thing to be embarrassed about, but she couldn't help it.

She was already the odd one out. Being straight and working in this industry probably made it harder for her to find her soulmate. It wasn't like she had given up hope in finding her, she just didn't think it was happening any time soon.

Seeing Angie and Lady Camden's tattoos both fill up when they laid eyes on each other was adorable, she had to admit. Painful looking, but adorable. Yet it was just another reminder that she had yet to find her own soulmate. Daya had been comforting towards her, since she shared the same problem in not having found hers yet, but now she was gone and Maddy had to deal with these emotions alone.

She was so distracted by keeping her wrist out of sight that she hardly noticed the first group of queens walking in.

Maddy snapped out of it when hearing all the talking, looking up at them all. Of course, her eyes immediately scanned their wrists. All tattoos filled. At least she figured. One of them stood awkwardly like her, her wrist covered as she greeted the other queens. She came over to Maddy, giving her a small smile.

"I'm Kerri." She said softly, making Maddy blush. She shook it off, about to answer her until she let out a yelp of pain, gripping onto her wrist. Kerri let out a cry of her own and jumped back, her eyes wide as she held her own wrist to her chest.

The other queens immediately gasped and looked over, already knowing what was happening.

Maddy's heart raced as her wrist burned. She hesitated before looking down at it, shaking slightly as she watched the heart fill up with red ink. She bit her lip at the sting it left, hissing softly as she closed her eyes.

Kerri was in just as much shock. Her hand shook a lot as she watched her tattoo fill up. She was terrified and in disbelief as she looked over at Maddy again, and everything she had been told in the past about finding her soulmate came rushing back.

"You'll never find your soulmate. Not if you continue with your transition"

"You know they're just going to leave you when they find out you're trans? Right?"

"Have fun being without them forever. They'll find another easily."

Kerri tried her best not to show that she was tearing up. The memories and the pain in her wrist were too much to handle, and she only looked back up when Maddy came over.

Maddy winced, carefully reaching her hand out so she could stop the pain for both of them. Kerri shakily let her take her hand, watching as she pressed their tattoos together. The pain immediately stopped, and they both somewhat relaxed. The pain may be gone, but their racing thoughts weren't.

"I'm Maddy..." She was finally able to introduce herself, holding Kerri's hand that continued to shake. "Are you okay? Does it still hurt?"

Kerri shook her head, biting her lip. She didn't like the feeling of everyone's eyes on her, not in this situation. "N-No..."

Maddy squeezed her hand gently. "Would you like to talk more later? After filming ends for the day?" She was doing her best to hide the fact that she was freaking out as well. She wanted to finally meet her soulmate yeah, but this was the last place she was expecting it to happen.

Kerri could only nod, watching Maddy pull her hand away. She looked back down at her wrist and traced her finger over the heart tattoo. She managed to calm herself down before she stumbled over to her station. She didn't know the other queen well at all, but she really hoped Maddy was nice and wouldn't refuse to have her as her soulmate.


It took some convincing, but Maddy got production to agree to let her into Kerri's room back at the hotel. She was still nervous, but she could tell the other queen was absolutely terrified. So she forced herself to be the brave one and knock on the hotel room door.

She used to hate looking at her tattoo. But now she couldn't take her eyes off of it. Now that the pain was gone and the shock had somewhat faded, the scarlet red ink was beautiful to her. She couldn't help but gaze down at it as she waited.

Kerri opened the door and stared down at her, heart pounding in her chest. She was hardly ever at a lost for words, but in this situation she felt scared and hopeless. She opened her mouth to speak, but nothing came out. She sighed, taking Maddy's hand and pulling her inside.

Maddy tilted her head a little, keeping hold of her hand after the door had shut behind her. "Are you okay? I'm really sorry if this is weird..." She trailed off.

Kerri quickly shook her head, eyes focused on hers and Maddy's tattoo. "N-No, don't apologize. I'm just being stupid and scared about all of this." She dropped Maddy's hand and instantly regretted it, because she wanted it back in hers.

Maddy was quiet for a moment, fighting the urge to reach out for her. She wanted her to be okay and comfortable before she did anything too affectionate. "Is it alright if I ask what you're scared of?"

Kerri finally met her eyes, biting her lip. Maddy was her soulmate after all, she had the right to know. "I-I've always been told my soulmate would reject me for being trans." She finally spilled out, unable to stop now. "Because I wouldn't be what they wanted and they would find someone else because they'd rather be with someone who isn't their soulmate over being with me. And I know you're straight and might not accept a trans soulmate and-"

Maddy held a finger up to her lips, studying her like she was a work of art. "I don't reject you. I fully accept you as my soulmate." Maddy said and took her hand once more, pressing their tattoos together.

Kerri immediately calmed down when the filled hearts touched, letting out a deep breath. Maddy smiled a little, keeping them together. "I've been waiting for so long to find you. You were worth the wait."

Kerri blushed, slowly starting to lean into her. Maddy pulled her closer, looking over her once more in wonder. Kerri felt a little self conscious, about to ask if something was wrong until Maddy spoke again.

"You're so beautiful..." She said softly, twirling a strand of Kerri's hair and resting an arm around her waist. "Holy shit I got so lucky."

Kerri finally smiled, finally giving in to her want for touch and putting a hand on Maddy's cheek. "Y-You're really pretty, in and out of drag..."

Maddy leaned into her touch, holding her tighter before leaning in and brushing their lips together. Kerri giggled quietly, letting herself become a little more playful. "That all you've got?"

Maddy raised a brow and smiled, this time pressing a full kiss to her lips. Kerri happily kissed back and wrapped her arms around her neck. It all felt so surreal to finally be with her soulmate and to know she was going to be loved the way she deserved.

Maddy gently squeezed her hips as a hint to have her jump up. Kerri listened and let the other queen hold her up as she wrapped her legs around her waist, pulling away a little to catch their breath.

Kerri traced her finger over Maddy's jaw, burying her head in her neck. "C-Cuddle me? I've been wanting that for so long and-"

"Of course I'll cuddle you. I've been wanting it just as long." Maddy said with a small laugh, laying Kerri down on the hotel bed. The moment she laid beside her Kerri was already snuggling against her chest, hands tangling into Maddy's shirt as she kissed her lips again. She smiled into it and held her close, their tattoos pressing together once more as if to reassure themselves that this was all real. And both of their hearts had never felt so full.


Aahhh first time writing a soulmate au so I hope it turned out okay so I can write more in the future. Hope you enjoyed!

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