Petals (Sashea)

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Hanahaki disease AU. Has this been done yet? I hope not.
What if the petals from Sasha's performance were an accident? What if they were from something she was desperately trying to hide?
TW: panic attack, mentions of blood

She couldn't do it.

There was no way Sasha would be able to lip sync against Shea. Not after the bond they had formed this season, not after Sasha had done what she feared.

Sasha had fallen in love with her new friend. A love she knew had to be one-sided. If it wasn't, then she wouldn't be in such an awful predicament.

Sasha took ragged deep breaths, her blue eyes wide as she sat backstage. A familiar feeling burned in her throat and she swallowed to try to contain it. She dug her nails into the seat under her, biting her lip. This was the finale, she couldn't deal with this now.

"Sash? You okay?" Peppermint came up behind her, putting her hands on her friend's shoulders.

Sasha jumped, looking up at her and quickly nodding. "I-I'm fine, Pepp. Just need to get some water before the lip sync-"

Peppermint raised a brow when Sasha hurriedly stood up, watching her walk away to get water. She didn't believe her friend one bit, but knew better than to question her farther.

Sasha's hands shook as she grabbed a water bottle from a nearby table. She drank quickly, desperate to push the feeling out of her throat. She panted softly as the burn died down, squeezing her eyes shut to try to contain herself.

It had already happened twice before this. Once after "Good Morning Bitches" and once after "Your Pilot's On Fire." All in the privacy of her hotel bathroom. Sasha knew the cause for the red petals she hated so much, and she hated that she couldn't stop it.

Sasha had fallen in love with her fellow queen, Shea Couleé. While she had had feelings for others before, none had resulted in something like this. She loved everything about Shea, and she couldn't help it. Even though the predicament she was in told her those feelings weren't reciprocated.

She had realized her feelings right after filming the fourth episode. She would've loved to celebrate their win in Shea's hotel room with their other teammates, but that's when the burning in her throat had started. She had no choice but to go straight to her own room.

Sasha thought this disease was a myth until she saw the scarlet red petals herself. She felt like her insides were on fire, it was hard to breathe as she coughed up more and more of the petals. Afterwards she had the worst panic attack of her life, curled up alone and scared as she stared at the petals and wished she was with Shea.

The second time was even worse. Sasha could've sworn there were thorns scraping up her throat as she coughed up the petals, her mouth tasting of blood as she struggled to catch her breath. The close contact with Shea had been too much to handle. She loved being so close to her, but her body was seeming to reject it and punish her for the unshared feelings.

"Sasha? This is your five minute call!" One of the crew members called for her, bringing her back to reality and snap out of her thoughts.

Sasha took a deep breath and straightened herself out as much as she could, drinking more of the water just in case before turning around. She was terrified, and she prayed that it wouldn't be Shea she was lip syncing against.


Yeah, those prayers did not work in her favor.

Sasha was in full panic mode as she stood beside Shea, waiting to go back onstage. She tried masking it as much as possible, looking down before feeling a gentle hand take hers.

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