12am (Livica)

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New Year's Eve fluff with Utica and Olivia, enjoy <3

They could've gone to one of the parties they had been invited to, or go hang out at a bar with some of their friends, or even go watch the fireworks from the park. But instead, Olivia laid comfortably in Utica's arms, head resting on the other queen's chest as she gazed outside the window. She was content and happy, and there was nowhere else she'd rather be.

"Liv?" Utica said softly, tracing small patterns along her back. "You alright? You've been a little quiet."

"I'm perfect." Olivia looked up at her and smiled, tilting her head up some more to press a soft kiss to her partner's lips. "Just thinking."

"About what?" Utica laid both arms over Olivia's waist, pulling her closer as she grabbed the end of their blanket. She pulled it over the both of them, snuggling into it as she held the smaller queen.

Olivia scooted up and buried her head in the crook of Utica's neck, pressing another small kiss against her skin. "About how lucky I am to spend another year with you."

Utica blushed, leaning her head against Olivia's as she smiled and giggled. "Oh really?"

"Really." Olivia huffed softly and poked Utica's cheek, making the taller queen giggle again and take hold of her hand. Utica entwined their fingers and kissed the top of Olivia's hand. Olivia blushed this time, sitting up a little and settling herself onto Utica's lap. "You're the only one I can imagine myself with."

"Good, because I'm not letting you go." Utica booped Olivia's nose, making her squeak when she sat up and pinned Olivia onto her back. Utica leaned down to cover her partner's face in kisses, giggling when hearing her squeals. She pulled away with a final peck to the smaller queen's lips, smiling when she saw Olivia's expression. "I can promise that."

Olivia was a blushing mess under her, now tangled in the blanket that had been on them as she tried covering her face. "Hmph-"

Utica took both her hands this time, pulling them away from Olivia's face. "You're cute when you blush." She teased, squeezing her hands.

"Am not-" Olivia turned her head to try to hide it in the blanket, only being met by a gentle kiss to her cheek. No matter what, she always seemed to melt under Utica's touch.

"You are, I would know." Utica winked, leaning back against the pillows and pulling Olivia back onto her chest. She squeezed her protectively, snuggling back up with her again.

Olivia shook her head but smiled, giggling softly as she leaned her head on Utica's shoulder. She twirled a strand of the queen's long hair, sighing in content. "I love you, beanstalk."

"Beanstalk?" Utica laughed, shaking her head and gazing down at Olivia. "That's a new one."

Olivia stuck her tongue out. She loved her tall and lanky partner. "You call me teddy bear. It's only fair I get to call you something cute too."

Utica smiled, about to say something before she was interrupted by a firework going off, followed by many others. Olivia jumped and turned to look out the window, not liking the sound very much. She groaned quietly, nuzzling her head into Utica's chest.

Utica held her close and covered her ears for her, narrowing her eyes at the fireworks outside before realizing what time it was. She gave Olivia a gentle nudge, cupping her cheeks in her hands.

"Happy New Year, teddy bear." Utica giggled and kissed Olivia's lips softly, making the smaller queen blush as she kissed back and laid a hand on top of Utica's. Utica pulled away slowly, forehead resting against Olivia's. "I love you."

Olivia squeezed her hand before wrapping her arms around her neck, happily kissing her again as the loud fireworks faded into the background. Those didn't matter, only her Utica did. "I love you too, beanstalk."


Sorry it's shorter than my usual one-shots, but I hope it's a good one to end the year with. Next update will probably be some Sashea smut I've had sitting in my drafts for a bit. Just need to edit it. Hope you all have a great new year <3

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