Good Impression (Irma Gerd x Vivian Vanderpuss)

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After a couple dates, it's finally time for Irma to meet Apple. And that is a very big event.
Except, she doesn't know much about who Apple actually is

Irma had been on many dates in her life. Some turned into relationships, and some didn't. Those relationships didn't seem to last very long though. At least, not until she met Vivian.

They seemed to click almost immediately. And Irma was just really happy that she didn't have to suffer through a first date to a restaurant. Instead they went to a pretty garden that Vivian had said was one of her favorite places, and she had surprised Irma with a cute little picnic lunch.

So it was no surprise that they both agreed to a second date. And then another. And then another. And suddenly now they were a couple months into their relationship. That's when Vivian dropped her brilliant idea.

"I think it's time you meet my daughter!" She said happily as the movie her and Irma were watching ended.

Irma almost choked, immediately sitting up from where she had been laying back on her couch. She had no idea Vivian had a kid. She never said anything about one. Not even on her dating profile that only stated she loved cats. Irma had found it cute, and spent a bit looking the profile over. She couldn't remember seeing anything about a daughter. "Oh-"

"She's gonna love you so much~" Vivian smiled and hugged Irma tightly, arms around her torso and cheek pressed against hers. "Don't worry, Apple doesn't bite."

Apple? That's a strange name for a kid... Irma thought to herself. She was panicking inside, but she managed to smile, carefully wrapping an arm around Vivian's waist. "Y-Yep-"

"How about tomorrow night? I'll make you dinner to thank you for tonight and you and Apple can bond?" Vivian smiled widely, sounding so excited.

That sounded very scary to Irma. Bonding with the daughter of someone she had only been dating for a few months sounded absolutely insane. But she did really like Vivian. She was pretty sure she loved her even though they hadn't said it out loud yet, and she didn't want to completely crush her by declining.

"That would be nice..." She said, giving her a very nervous smile.

Vivian didn't seem to notice, squealing and pressing a quick kiss to her cheek. "Yay! I'll go tell her the good news-" She sprung up from the couch, holding a hand out for Irma. "Walk me to my car?"

Irma wasn't about to pass up the chance to hold her hand, no matter how nervous she was about meeting her daughter. She nodded quickly, standing up and taking her hand in hers.

Once they had said goodbye for the night, the panic really settled in. Irma rushed back inside, taking deep breaths to calm her racing heart. She was not at all prepared to meet a kid. And she had never dated anyone who had a kid. This was all completely new to her. And while she felt silly doing it, she grabbed her laptop and went to her room, where she googled how to make a good first impression with your partner's kid.

She had a lot to prepare for. She couldn't dress too fancy, but she couldn't dress too casual. She had to find an in between. That way Vivian's daughter would take her seriously but also see her as fun and laid back. But then she came to the realization that she didn't even know how old Apple was. Which threw off quite a bit of her plan.

Irma groaned, falling back onto her pillows. Tomorrow was gonna be a long day.


Irma had found the most casual dress she could, hoping not to seem too intimidating. Even though she knew she was quite far from that. She also had run out to get Apple a gift. One of the things she read on google said that a gift would help the child warm up to a new person.

So she carefully bagged the stuffed animal she had gotten for Apple, taking deep breaths to calm her nerves. It wasn't like she was bad around kids, but she couldn't help but feel panicky and nervous. This was a big step in their relationship, and she was terrified she'd mess it up. What if she scared Apple and Vivian got mad at her? What if Apple didn't like her or trust her with her mom? She had so many questions racing through her head.

Irma continued to take deep breaths the whole drive to Vivian's house. The closer she got, the more her nerves grew. She was sure she'd probably pass out. And that definitely wouldn't make a good first impression at all. She didn't want to embarrass herself in front of someone so important and special to the girl she loved.

She hesitated once she parked in front of the house. It was usually so inviting, with Vivian's brightly colored flowers and garden decorations lining the walkway. But now it all felt too intimidating. As she finally opened the car door and stepped out, she thought she might just die.

Irma slowly walked up to the front door. She clenched the bag with the gift tightly in her hand, taking another deep breath before knocking and praying her heart didn't stop.

Vivian excitedly opened the door, beaming when she saw Irma. "Irma!" She threw her arms around her, hugging her tightly. "I missed you~"

Imra blushed but returned the embrace, glancing behind the other girl and into the house. She didn't see her daughter yet. "I saw you just last night-"

"I know, but it's felt like an eternity." Vivian said as she pulled away, a smile still on her face as she took Irma's hands in hers. Her eyes landed on the gift. "Aww, you brought her a present! Apple's going to love it. You ready to meet her?"

No, Irma was not ready. But she didn't want to let her down. She nodded, forcing a smile. "Y-Yep, ready as I'll ever be-"

Vivian squealed, pulling her inside and shutting the door. She hurried to one corner of the living room, blocking Irma's view of the space behind her.

"Irma, meet my darling angel, Apple!" She exclaimed happily, moving to reveal her daughter.

Irma froze, looking down at the sight in front of her. A cat sat up in a cat bed at the end of the couch, her nose twitching as she sniffed and eyed Irma closely. The girl was left incredibly confused.

"I- Viv you said you have a daughter-" She said, still not quite getting it.

Vivian laughed, scooping the cat up in her arms and carrying her over to Irma. "I do! This is her, my sweet Apple~" She held her out to Irma.

Irma stared down at the cat, speechless. Vivian tilted her head in confusion, silent for a moment before starting to laugh. "Baby, did you think I meant a real person?"

Irma blushed heavily. She should've known Vivian would refer to her pet as her daughter. "I- Maybe I did-"

Vivian laughed again, setting Apple down before wrapping her arms around Irma's neck. She gently kissed her cheek. "That's absolutely adorable. Maybe I should've been a little more specific."

"Just a little-" Irma said, glancing down to see Apple weaving herself around their legs as she laid her hands on Vivian's waist.

Vivian gazed at her, her smile never leaving her face. "Hey, Irma?"

Irma tilted her head, trying to ignore how embarrassed she was about this misunderstanding. "What?"

Vivian softly kissed her cheek again. "I love you."

Irma's heart raced for a different reason this time. She smiled, pulling Vivian to her chest. "I love you too."


This is so stupid but it's lowkey probably one of my favorite one shots I've written. Hope you enjoyed

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