Pressure (Bosco x Daya Betty)

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Requested by Deeniselee
The pressure of the competition is getting to Bosco, so Daya takes it upon herself to help her calm down.

Bosco stared blankly into the mirror of her station, the voices of her fellow queens fading into the back of her head. There was a lot of things running through her mind. If she was honest, she didn't even know what day it was. But she did know she was exhausted, anxious, and really needed a way to clear her head.

"Bosco? You alright?" Jasmine poked her shoulder to get her attention. "I've been talking to you for like ten minutes and you haven't said a word."

Bosco snapped out of it and shook her head, turning to Jasmine. "Sorry. I zoned out a bit. What were you saying?"

Jasmine started talking again about how she kind of missed Maddy, and that's all Bosco really heard until she zoned out again. She fidgeted with her makeup brushes, nodding her head every now and then so the other queen would think she was listening.

Daya watched Bosco with a raised brow. It wasn't often she seemed so out of it, and it made her worry. She stood up and tapped her on the shoulder. "You wanna come outside with me real quick?"

Bosco jumped, tilting her head to look up at Daya. She nodded a bit and stood up, telling Jasmine she'd be right back. She figured the fresh air would help clear her head.

She followed Daya out of the studio where it was quieter. She leaned against the wall and ran a hand through her hair, groaning softly.

"Now that we're alone, will you tell me what's wrong?" Daya asked as she watched her. "You seem a little off."

"Why do you care?" Bosco snapped on accident, catching herself and sighing when seeing Daya flinch. "S-Sorry. I didn't mean for it to come out that way..."

Daya gave her a small smile. "It's fine. And I care because you're my friend. And you aren't acting like our usual Bosco."

It was true that that's why she was worried, but it was really so much more than that. Bosco was captivating and Daya had found herself falling for the other queen right from the start. She was hard not to love. Daya had caught herself gazing over at her when she was supposed to be focusing on challenges, having to force herself not to make it obvious. Bosco seemed oblivious to it, and she was grateful for that.

Bosco rubbed her arm, looking away from Daya. She didn't want to admit that she was feeling intimidated and worried about the competition. She felt like Daya could use that information to her advantage. Instead she just shrugged. "I just...have a headache. Yeah, a headache."

Daya wasn't convinced at all. "Mhm. Sure. Now tell me the real reason."

Bosco huffed, wrapping her arms around herself. She couldn't tell if it was cold outside of if she was worrying so much it was making her sick. "That is the real reason."

Daya rolled her eyes, taking her jacket off and offering it to Bosco. Bosco glanced down at it before nervously taking it, pulling it on. It was just a little big on her, the sleeves covering the palms of her hands.

"You know, it's okay to admit you're stressed." Daya said and moved closer to her. "There's nothing to be ashamed of if you are."

Bosco wished she could just sink into the jacket and disappear. She didn't like that Daya was this good at reading her mind. But at the same time, she didn't mind it. She sighed and looked up at her. "I feel like if I admit how pressured and stressed I feel then everyone will see me as weak competition and take advantage of my insecurity."

Daya frowned, moving her hands to Bosco's shoulders and rubbing them in circular motions. Bosco found herself relaxing under her touch, leaning back against her.

"I know I won't do that." Daya said softly, doing her best to comfort the smaller queen. "Your feelings are valid. You just need to take some time to relax and unwind a little bit."

Bosco was quiet but nodded, starting to take deep breaths. Something about Daya made her feel comfortable and safe. She leaned back against her chest, fiddling with the sleeves of the jacket.

"Maybe I do..." Bosco said softly. At least speaking to Daya had lifted some weight off of her shoulders.

Daya smiled a little, twirling a strand of Bosco's hair around her finger. "How about you sneak out to my hotel room tonight? I think affection is something else you're needing."

Bosco blushed, nodding again as she gazed up at Daya. There was no way she was turning down that offer.


Bosco impatiently waited inside her hotel room for the hallway to be empty. Everytime she thought she was all good to go, another production assistant would walk by or she'd hear taking from down the hall. She was getting antsy, still holding Daya's jacket around her.

No other queen had this affect on her. No one else could calm her down by simply just touching her or talking to her. She wanted Daya, she needed her. And just when she thought she'd go insane without her, the hallway was finally quiet.

She slowly opened the door, looking around to make sure it was all clear. She closed the door quietly behind her and rushed to the other end of the hall. She had only knocked twice when the door opened, Daya grabbing her hand and pulling her inside before anyone could see.

Bosco squeaked when she knocked into Daya's chest, almost falling back until the other queen caught her. Daya tried not to laugh, helping Bosco steady herself as they heard people walking by.

"That was close." Daya remarked, and before Bosco could respond she was being lifted off the floor, finding herself in Daya's arms.

"Just because you're taller doesn't mean you can-" She was hushed by a finger on her lips.

"Shh, I said you needed affection. I'm giving it to you." Daya said as she set Bosco down on the hotel bed. Bosco stared up at her with wide eyes. She didn't think Daya would actually want to do that. But she let herself relax and just feel, focusing on the way Daya was running a hand through her hair.

Daya settled down beside her and gazed at her. She moved her hand down from her hair to her cheek, rubbing her thumb over it. "Bosco?"

"Hm?" She replied as she leaned against Daya's hand. Her eyes were closed, one of her own hands twisting into the fabric of Daya's shirt.

Daya leaned down a little, her eyes flickering to Bosco's lipstick stained lips. "You're beautiful."

Bosco's cheeks went red. She opened her eyes, gazing up at Daya. She was quiet before she smiled. "You are too."

Daya chuckled before brushing her lips against Bosco's. She went to pull away until there was a hand on the back of her head, pulling her down closer to kiss her lips fully. Bosco smiled and kept her hand in place, tilting her head. Daya's lips felt perfect against hers, like they were meant to be this way. Her lips parted when Daya traced her tongue over her bottom lip. She dropped her hand to her side, letting the taller queen have full control now.

Daya pulled away from her lips to press soft kisses from her cheeks to her neck. Bosco's breath became staggered under the gentle touches, hardly noticing her shirt had been lifted off until feeling feather light kisses against her chest. She bit her lip, hands moving to rest on Daya's shoulders.

Daya trailed her kisses down to Bosco's waist, stopping at the waistband of her jeans before she raised her head. "Turn over for me, love."

Bosco immediately did as she was told, not wanting the affection to stop. She laid on her stomach and wrapped her arms around one of the pillows. Daya began kissing her shoulder blades this time, fingers tracing patterns along Bosco's sides. It seemed as if with each kiss, the pressure Bosco had felt melted away.

"How are you feeling now?" Daya asked, her arms wrapping around the smaller queen's waist.

"S-So much better..." Bosco managed to pull herself out of her trance to speak. "Th-Thank you."

Daya smiled, returning to cherishing and loving on every part of her. And Bosco wished this moment would never end.

I feel like Bosco is gonna become one of my favorite queens to write. Hope you enjoyed!

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