The Best Christmas Gift (Jorion)

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Orion has a plan for the best Christmas gift ever for Jorgeous.
She just hopes she'll say yes.

Orion wasn't always the biggest fan of the holidays. She didn't care too much for the cold, she didn't do well in big social situations like holiday parties, and the hardest thing for her was finding a good gift for the ones she loved. And the hardest person to do that for was her girlfriend.

Jorgeous loved the holidays. Right after Thanksgiving, she had Orion in the kitchen baking cookies with her, decorating gingerbread houses, and looking for cute decorations for their home. That was her favorite time of year, and she loved spending it with her girlfriend.

Orion had to admit, as the years with Jorgeous went on, she started to like the holidays just a little more.

Which made her want to do something very special for her this Christmas. To make it all even more memorable. Despite how excited she was about what she had gotten her, she managed to keep it a secret. And after they had gotten home from a Christmas Eve party their friends had hosted, she snuck the small wrapped box under the tree with the other gifts the two had managed to keep secret from each other.

"Orion~" Jorgeous cooed softly early the next morning, excitement in her voice. "It's Christmas~"

Orion opened her eyes, being met by Jorgeous sitting on top of her in her set of matching pajamas she had convinced her girlfriend to wear as well. The smaller girl leaned down to kiss her lips, giggling softly as she wrapped her arms around her neck.

"It is, isn't it?" Orion couldn't help but smile, wrapping her arms around Jorgeous' waist and turning over on her side. She gazed at her under the Christmas lights that lined their headboard, resting her forehead against hers. "You look cute."

Jorgeous giggled again, hiding her face in Orion's chest. "I just woke up-"

"Still cute." Orion insisted, capturing her lips in another kiss and holding her close. Jorgeous melted into it, snuggling closer against her. This was the usual way Orion woke her up, but it being Christmas morning made it feel even more special.

Orion pulled away from her lips and rested her head on top of hers, gazing over at the window as she gently rubbed her girlfriend's hips. Through the frost on the glass, she could make out the falling snow. It was calming, easing her nerves about what was laying under their Christmas tree.

"Baby?" Jorgeous held onto her tighter. "Present time?"

"Hmm..." Orion pretended to think about it, rolling on top of her and making her squeal. "Five more minutes. I'm warm and comfortable."

Jorgeous huffed, squirming under her. "But baby-" She squeaked out. "This isn't fair-"

Orion smiled, hearing their door being pushed all the way open by their pets who wanted breakfast. "Fine, fine. Saved by the animals." She moved off of the smaller girl, laying her hands on her waist and lifting her up.

Jorgeous clung to her tightly, smiling victoriously when she got her way. She snuggled close in her hold and let her girlfriend carry her out of their bedroom, their cat and dog leading them downstairs.

Their Christmas morning routine wasn't super grand and all out, but Jorgeous still loved it. Orion set her down on the couch and went to feed the animals, leaving her to grab a fluffy blanket and gaze at the Christmas tree she had made sure to decorate nice and neatly. The aesthetic was very important to Jorgeous, even if their cat liked to try knocking ornaments off the tree.

Once their pets were fed, Orion curled up beside her under the blanket, peppering her face in small kisses that made her giggle. The blush on her face was highlighted by the lights on the tree, and as Orion gazed at her, her eyes glanced over at the small wrapped box that was hidden by a couple others.

"Should Jazzy and Beans go first?" She asked, pulling the smaller girl up into her lap and resting her head on top of hers.

Jorgeous nodded quickly. "Of course. The kids always go first."

So they did. They watched in amusement as Beans shook his stocking until all of the new toys and treats fell out, and he immediately started chasing after them. Jazzy was calmer, rubbing his head against the catnip toys and flopping onto the floor with it.

Jorgeous laid her head on Orion's chest, gazing up at her. "Can I give you your first gift now?" She asked sweetly.

Orion blushed, nodding and kissing her forehead as her nerves started to grow. "Of course."

They exchanged the remaining gifts with each other. They ranged from innocent things they knew the other liked to a bit more risque things, but Orion hoped the last gift would be the best one of all. She really hoped that it would top the stuffed animal she had gotten her girlfriend that she was now not letting go of.

Jorgeous didn't seem to notice the small box through the branches of the trees. She was too excited about the things she had gotten for her Orion. And as the gifts slowed, she cuddled her new stuffed animal and watched the cheesy Christmas movie she had convinced the other girl to put on. She stayed close to her, completely content with just being beside her.

Orion gazed down at her, taking a shaky breath. "Tiny?"

"Hm?" Jorgeous looked up at her, pressing a kiss to her cheek. "No, I'm not turning the movie off."

Orion giggled a bit before her nerves kicked in again. It was now or never. "You...You know I love you, right?"

"Of course. You tell me all the time." Jorgeous tilted her head, oblivious to what she was getting at. "And I love you more than anything."

Orion smiled, reaching out to lay a hand on her cheek. "You're the most amazing thing to ever happen to me..." She said softly. "You somehow made me kind of like the holidays. That's pretty big."

Jorgeous smiled and giggled, leaning against her hand. "That is pretty impressive."

Orion pressed a soft kiss to her lips before she pulled herself up. "I have one more gift for you..." She said, taking a deep breath. "It's really special."

Jorgeous watched her lean down and take something out from under the tree. "It is?"

Orion nodded, taking a deep breath. "Yeah, it is." She sat beside her again, handing her the small wrapped box and trying not to let her hands shake. "I hope you like it."

Jorgeous was completely oblivious. She carefully unwrapped it, not having any idea about what it could be until the wrapping paper was completely off. She froze, staring at the little box. "...O-Orion..."

Orion reached a shaky hand over, opening the box up for her and allowing her to see inside. Jorgeous' breath caught in her throat at the sight of the ring, tears immediately filling her eyes.

"Jorgeous..." Orion helped her hold the box up despite her nerves. "I-I love you more than words can say. So...will you marry me?"

Jorgeous was completely stunned. She put her shaking hand over her mouth, trying to get her words out without letting her tears fall. "Y-Yes-" She stuttered out, failing to stop herself from crying as tears spilled down her cheeks. "Oh my God Orion, one hundred percent yes-"

Orion beamed, the nerves gone as she pulled her now fiance into her arms and held onto her tightly. Jorgeous cried quietly into her neck, feeling as if she was living in a dream. She sniffled and dried her tears with the sleeve of her pajama shirt, gazing in disbelief as Orion took the ring out and placed it on her finger.

She laid a hand on the back of the taller girl's neck, pulling her in for a gentle kiss. Orion smiled against her lips, resting her forehead against hers when they pulled away. "Merry Christmas, baby..." She whispered, holding her hand tightly.

Jorgeous pressed another kiss to her lips, lacing their fingers together. "Merry Christmas, Ry-Ry. I love you more than you can imagine."

They spent their morning close to each other, both gazing at the ring on Jorgeous' finger. The Christmas lights reflected off of it, making it sparkle as they cuddled under the blanket. Orion held the smaller girl in her arms, kissing the top of her head as she watched the falling snow outside the window. Maybe Christmas was her favorite holiday now.


Another Christmas one shot done. Hope you enjoyed

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