Make it Better (Sashea)

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The night back at the hotel after the finale lip sync is high with emotion, and Sasha and Shea fix it in the only way they want to.
❌Smut warning❌

The tears had already started the moment they found out they had to lip sync against each other.

Sasha had clung onto Shea, both queens tight in each other's embrace. "I just wish there was a way we could both win." Sasha cried into Shea's chest. She looked up at her with tear filled blue eyes, and Shea could feel her heart breaking.

"I-I know.." Shea had managed to stutter out, resting her forehead against Sasha's with the smallest brush of her lips against the other queen's. She hardly noticed her own tears until Sasha stroked her cheek to wipe them away.

"We'll be okay, right?" Sasha asked just above a whisper, holding onto Shea like she was afraid she'd be taken away. "No matter what happens?"

"Of course." Shea promised her. She raised a hand to Sasha's cheek, stroking her tears away. "No matter what happens."

Now, Shea sat on the end of her hotel bed, crying into her hands. She was happy for Sasha, so so happy. But she was still torn apart. She wasn't mad at Sasha, she could never be mad at her, but she couldn't help but feel like a failure.

Shea was pulled out of her thoughts when hearing knocking on the door. She quickly wiped her tears away and let out a shaky breath, walking to the door and leaning against it for support. "Who is it?" She prayed she didn't sound upset.

"Sasha.." The queen said from the other side of the door. Shea's eyes widened a little before she opened the door with a shaky hand. Sasha looked just as distraught as her. Her blue eyes were red and cheeks stained with tears as she met Shea's eyes, slowly holding her arms out. "Can I..?"

Shea didn't let her finish before pulling her into her arms, holding her like her life depended on it. "I swear I'm not mad at you, I'm so happy for you, Sash.."

Sasha leaned into her embrace, arms around Shea's neck. "I've been so worried about you.."

"I'm okay, baby. I promise." Shea pulled away and closed the door. Sasha blushed over the name but shook her head, holding Shea's hand tightly. "You've been crying more too. Don't deny it.." She looked down, leaning her head against Shea's arm. "I'm sorry.."

Shea frowned, cupping Sasha's cheek in her hand. She hated seeing her this way. She looked fragile, like any sudden move Shea made would break her, and Shea didn't like that. She stroked more tears away, keeping her close. "Don't you dare apologize. You were so amazing out there. I'm so proud of you.."

Sasha was quiet before looking up and meeting her eyes again. Shea took that as her cue to lead her over to the bed, sitting down with her before hugging her to her chest again. "I promise, Sasha. This won't change anything between us."

Sasha was still before nodding a little, tracing one finger over Shea's jaw. Even with the comforting words, her emotions were all over the place and there was only one thing she really wanted. "Shea..?" She asked in a hushed and nervous whisper.

"What is it?" Shea leaned back against the pillows, one arm around Sasha's waist. She glanced at the other queen's lips that were still stained a tinge of red, raising her thumb to them and tracing them lightly.

Sasha gripped Shea's shirt tightly in her hands, pulling herself closer. "I-I love you.." She swallowed before pressing her lips against Shea's, letting out a whimper as she cried again.

Shea's eyes widened before she kissed back, raising her hand to the back of Sasha's neck and pulling her even closer. She parted her lips and pressed her tongue against Sasha's, letting herself fall fully onto her back.

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