But I Do (Lemyanka)

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Requested by Blazer169
Lemon is going through a really bad breakup and thinks no one will ever love her. Priyanka knows that isn't true.

The crying had started up again. Only after about fifteen minutes of silence. Priyanka sighed, standing up and walking over to Lemon's door.

"Lem? You okay?" She knocked on the bedroom door but didn't get answer. Instead her friend continued to cry from inside the room. Priyanka shook her head, debating on if she should open the door or not. "Lem?" She called for her again.

She hesitated before opening the door herself, stepping inside to see Lemon curled up in a ball on her bed. Priyanka stepped closer, sitting beside her. "Hey..."

Lemon glanced at her, trying to wipe away her tears. "P-Pri..."

Priyanka pulled her into a hug, stroking her hair in an effort to calm her down. Lemon just cried against her chest, body trembling. "F-Feel like I did something wrong..."

"You didn't do anything wrong, Lem. It's their loss. You're such a light and it's their fault they didn't see that." Priyanka rested her head on top of hers. She couldn't stand seeing her so upset. It hurt.

Lemon shook her head, raising her head from Priyanka's chest and reaching for her box of tissues. "I hate this. I hate this feeling..."

"I know, hun. I know." Priyanka scooped the smaller girl up in her arms, carrying her out of her bedroom. "Come on, let's find a way to cheer you up, okay?"

"Don't think anything will work..." Lemon mumbled as she laid her head against her friend's shoulder. "Just wanna cry and sleep the rest of the day."

Priyanka held her close, rubbing her back in an effort to keep her calm. "We can still try. How about your favorite show and some snacks?"

Lemon shrugged, letting Priyanka place her down on the couch. "I guess that sounds nice..."

Priyanka handed the remote to Lemon before heading to the kitchen, running a hand through her hair as she bit her tongue. Now was not the time to reveal her true feelings. Not when Lemon was going through a bad breakup.

It felt wrong hiding it, but Priyanka really did love and care for her friend more than she'd ever admit. She grabbed a bunch of sweets and sugary drinks she knew were her favorites, carrying them back to the couch to see Lemon hadn't moved an inch.

Priyanka sighed, choosing the show for her instead and sitting beside her. "Lem?"

The other girl didn't answer, just stared down at her hands. After a moment she started to lean against Priyanka's arm, slowly snuggling under it. "I'm never dating again..."

Priyanka frowned. "Don't say that, hun." She helped her lay down, holding her head in her lap. "There's someone good out there for you."

Lemon shook her head, sniffling and reaching for the tissue box on the coffee table. "No there's not. I would've found them by now. Nobody wants a mess like me."

Priyanka bit her lip as she handed her the box of tissues. She knew that was completely false. Because she wanted her. She wanted to be Lemon's girlfriend. "You aren't a mess." She said quietly.

Lemon turned over, clinging tightly onto her. "What's wrong with me, Pri?" She asked quietly. "Am I not pretty enough? Not smart enough? N-Not nice enough...?" She whimpered.

Priyanka shook her head and pulled her up, hugging her to her chest. "No no no, you're perfect. You're so so perfect. You're the sweetest girl in the world. You're absolutely stunning, maybe not the absolute smartest but that's okay, you're still perfect." She teased a little, trying to make her smile. "You're everything someone could want in a girl."

Lemon blushed, slowly looking up at her. "R-Really...?"

Priyanka nodded quickly, taking a tissue and drying her tears for her. "Really. It's true."

Lemon rubbed her arm, biting her lip as she took the tissue from Priyanka. "I just...I don't think anyone will actually love me. I don't think anyone loves me."

Priyanka didn't like hearing her say that. Before she could stop herself, she was speaking her thoughts. "But I do." She hardly heard herself.

Lemon froze, looking up at her again and tilting her head. "...What?"

Priyanka's eyes widened when she realized what she said. There was definitely no taking that back now. "I...I said but I do."

Lemon stared at her, slowly shaking her head. "N-No you don't. You're just saying that to make me feel better."

"It's true, Lem..." Priyanka whispered, taking her hand. "It's true. I love you a lot. You have no idea how much it hurts hearing you say such mean things about yourself because I love you so much."

Lemon didn't know what to say. She stumbled over her words, trying to form a coherent sentence. "I...how long...what?"

"For a long time now." Priyanka admitted, looking away from her in embarrassment. "I've always loved you..."

Lemon traced her finger over the other girl's hand, a million things racing through her head all at once. She couldn't make sense of them all, but she could make sense of the way her heart fluttered over hearing her friend say she loves her.

She squeezed Priyanka's hand before adjusting herself, raising her head to gently peck her lips. Priyanka's eyes widened a little, cheeks heating up as she stared down at Lemon. "Oh-" Her voice cracked.

Lemon snuggled against her chest, arms around her neck. "Can we stay like this for a bit?"

"O-Of course." Priyanka said, holding her tightly as she leaned back.

Lemon stayed in her arms for most of the evening, finding comfort in them and the kind words Priyanka whispered to her. For the first time in a couple hours, she smiled, snuggling as close as possible.


Sorry this was short. I'm doing my best. Hope you enjoyed!

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