Secret Admirer (Keta Minaj x My Little Puny)

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The last thing Puny expected was to get a valentine from a secret admirer. Now she's determined to find out who it's from.

"You're telling me you don't recognize that handwriting?" Vanessa asked as she leaned against Puny's desk, looking down at the pink card that was laid out.

Puny shook her head, reading the card over again to see if she could maybe recognize the writing style. "No? Should I?"

Her and her friend group always gave each other valentines, it was something they all loved doing. But they usually just handed them to each other, they didn't usually leave them in each other's lockers.

That's where Puny had found the card. A small bundle of red roses had been attached to it along with a stuffed animal and was left sitting in her locker. She had no idea who could've left it there.

Vanessa was quiet. She recognized the handwriting, but she wasn't about to tell Puny that. "I don't know. If you did then that would probably help you figure out who left it."

Puny huffed softly and placed it in her bag again as the bell rang, Vanessa leaving to take a seat at her own desk. She was never good at this sort of thing. After she had come out, she had only had one girlfriend. Their relationship was very one-sided and since then Puny hadn't even tried to pursue anyone else. She wasn't used to people showing romantic interest in her, so this was very different to her.

She sighed and leaned against her hand, doodling in her notebook as she hardly listened to her teacher. The stuffed animal she had also received sat in her lap, and she found herself leaning her head on top of it.

"Puny? You alright?" She felt a pencil poke her shoulder, and she looked to the side to see Keta looking at her in concern.

Puny nodded and sat up, giving her a small smile. "I'm fine. Just thinking."

Keta hummed in response, waiting for their teacher to give them their work before pushing her desk up against Puny's to work with her. "About what?"

Puny opened her bag up, pulling the card out again and showing it to Keta. "Someone left this in my locker, and I can't figure out who it was."

Keta tilted her head and took the card, reading it over before smiling a little. "Sounds like someone likes you."

Puny blushed a little and nodded, looking up when Vanessa pushed her desk up next to there's. "Figure anything out yet?"

Puny sighed. "No. Not yet. Do you recognize the writing Keta?"

Keta and Vanessa shared a knowing look, but didn't say what they were both thinking. Instead, Keta shook her head. "No, I don't. Sorry."

Vanessa raised a brow at Keta, turning to Puny to drop some hints. "You said you found it in your locker. Who all have you given your combination to?"

Puny thought about it, tapping her pencil against her desk. She went through the short list of people who knew it, eyes widening when a name came to mind.

"Vivaldi?" She perked up a little, certain she was correct.

Keta was quiet, fidgeting with the corner of the assignment in front of her. "You can ask her I guess. I'm sure she'd tell you."

Puny smiled, feeling much better now that she was certain she knew who had left the gifts. She wasn't sure how she felt towards her friend, but she was just glad the mystery was solved.

Or at least she thought it was.

Keta leaned against her hand as she slowly worked on her assignment. She didn't think her friend would be this oblivious. She was too nervous to say it all out loud, so she thought her handwriting and the fact that she had left it in her locker would've been enough.

After a while of Puny talking to Vanessa, she noticed Keta had gone quiet. She tilted her head a little. "Keta? Something wrong?"

"I'm fine." Keta gave her a small smile as the bell rang, grabbing her notebook. "I'll see you after school."

Puny watched her leave the classroom, confused. They didn't have the same second period, but Keta still walked her to it everyday. She looked up at Vanessa. "What happened? Did I say something?"

Vanessa grabbed her bag, sighing softly. "It's not my place to say it. Maybe you should ask her after school. Before you talk to Vi, okay?"

Puny nodded a little. She left the classroom with the rest of the students, carrying the stuffed animal in her arm as she walked to class alone. Now confronting Vivaldi was the last thing on her mind. She wanted to know if she was okay.


Puny waited after school in hers and Keta's usual meeting area. It was strange that she was the first to get there, considering her last class was all the way across the building and Keta's was right next to it. It made her worried more, and she was scared she did something.

She cared for Keta a lot, and their whole friend group saw that. They were hardly ever apart and it was just a given that wherever Kita was, Puny was there right beside her. They told each other everything and it terrified Puny that Keta seemed to be hiding something.

Puny sighed in relief when seeing Keta finally approaching. She hurried over to her, looking up at her worriedly. "Keta? I know something is wrong. Can you please let me help?"

"I already said I'm fine." Keta said as she walked beside her, but Puny knew that was a lie. She huffed softly and grabbed her friend's hand, tearing up.

"Please just tell me..." Her voice got softer, heart pounding as she started to panic.

Keta hesitated before turning to look down at her. She flinched when seeing her starting to cry, looking around hurriedly before pulling her into an empty hallway. "Puny please don't cry, I'll tell you, okay? Just please don't cry..."

Puny sniffled and nodded, wiping her cheeks. "O-Okay..."

Keta made sure nobody else was around before sighing softly and looking down at Puny again. "Vivaldi didn't leave those gifts in your locker."

Puny looked confused once more, still not getting the hint. "They didn't? Then who did?"

Keta was quiet, rubbing her arm. "I did, Puny." She finally spoke again. "I left them. I didn't know how to tell you face to face about my feelings so I got the card and the flowers and the stuffed animal and hoped for the best. I thought for sure you'd recognize my writing. And I thought you'd really know it was me since I have your locker combo. I just didn't know how to tell you it was me..."

Puny's jaw had dropped slightly, staring up at her with wide eyes. She shook her head a little. "I-It was you? You have feelings for me?"

Keta nodded, looking away from her. "I'm really sorry about worrying you all day. And I'm really sorry if this is all making you uncomfortable. I understand if-"

She was interrupted by Puny's soft lips on hers. Her eyes widened in surprise, but she kissed back, putting a finger under her friend's chin.

They were both quiet when they pulled away. Puny hadn't at all expected herself to do that, but she wasn't embarrassed at all. Instead she smiled, hugging the stuffed animal to her chest.

"I liked that." She said, leaning against Keta's arm. "And I'm so glad it's you who left it. I don't think I could be into Vi like that-"

Keta couldn't help but laugh, taking the girl's hand and leading her back out of the hallway. "That's a relief. Let's get out of here and go to my house. We can make heart shaped cookies."

Puny beamed and nodded quickly, entwining her fingers with Keta's. "I'd like that a lot." She snuck a kiss to her cheek.

She couldn't remember the last time she had felt her heart flutter like this. But she loved it.


Happy Valentine's Day! These two are adorable and I definitely plan on writing more of them. Hope you all enjoyed!
Another requested one-shot is coming up next

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