"You're An Angel" (Maddy Morphosis x Female!Reader)

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"I'm on my period"
"I'll pick up food on my way home"
She/her in drag, he/him out of drag
If you aren't comfortable with period talk this probably isn't the chapter for you

The heating pad wasn't helping at all. You glared down at it and groaned softly, trying to pay attention to the show you were watching. Your cramps were always unusually painful, and most pain killers never seemed to help. So you were left suffering for a week every month. You couldn't tell if the pain was actually that bad, or if you just had low pain tolerance. You were going with it was actually that bad.

You curled up with your head on the couch cushion, wrapping your arms around your lower stomach as you pressed the heating pad down. Glancing at the time, you sighed. You still had quite a bit until Maddy got home. The cramps always seemed to hurt more when she wasn't home.

You grabbed your phone and went to text her. You knew she probably wouldn't answer immediately. She rarely ever had her phone on when she was attending viewing parties, but you were desperate.

You: I'm on my period

The text was simple. And you were glad that Maddy wasn't ever grossed out by it like past boyfriends had been. Maddy never made any rude comments about mood swings or your emotions, never told you the pain couldn't be that bad. Instead she was always helpful, and had admitted she loved getting to carry you around and help you with what you needed.

You laid your head back again and closed your eyes. You winced at the sharp pain but tried ignoring it as you dozed off. The heating pad was slowly starting to somewhat work, but you would much prefer Maddy being there.

It hadn't been too long since you dozed off when you felt your phone buzz on your chest. Opening your eyes and squinting at the bright screen, you read the new text.

Maddy Bby: I'll pick up food on my way home

You smiled and giggled softly, putting your phone down again. You weren't expecting anything less from Maddy. She knew the drill by now. You closed your eyes once more, feeling a bit better knowing that she'd be home soon.



You opened your eyes tiredly to see Maddy standing over you, her head tilted. She smiled when seeing you wake up, pressing a soft kiss to your forehead and leaving behind a pink lipstick mark. "I got takeout."

You smiled and pulled yourself upright, rubbing your eyes and hiding your blush. No matter how long you two had been together, Maddy always managed to somehow make you blush. "You're an angel."

"I do my best." Maddy smiled as she moved the bags of food to one arm, holding her hands out to you. You shakily stood up, moving the heating pad that had now gone cold before wrapping your arms around Maddy's neck. She lifted you up carefully and you wrapped your legs around her still padded waist, sighing in content.

"How's the cramps?" Maddy asked as she carried you to the bedroom, her hold gentle but firm.

"Still hurting, but not as bad." You admitted, carefully taking her lashes off for her. "A little better now that you're here."

"When was the last time you took pain killers?" Maddy set you down on the bed and placed the bag of food in front of you, fixing the pillows for you as you grabbed the bag.

"A little after you left." You laid back and gazed up at her. The pain was actually really bothering you, but you hated worrying Maddy.

"I'll get you a couple more before I shower." She said, quickly kissing your cheek as you started eating. You smiled a little and watched as she got out of drag. She was always affectionate and gentle with you, but even more so when she knew you needed it the most.

You took the two small pills Maddy brought you before she showered and snuggled into the pillows. Her humming from the shower was soothing, and you were starting to feel better already. Tired and still feeling clingy, but better.

You tried not dozing off to the sound of Maddy's singing, distracting yourself with the food. You finished just as Maddy came back into the bedroom, pulling his shirt on before he sat beside you. He held his arms out and you immediately pushed the food aside, pulling him down fully and rolling into his arms.

"That's better." You mumbled quietly as you laid against his chest. Maddy laughed softly before resting his head on top of yours, hand rubbing your lower back in small circles. He knew by now that that's where your cramps got the worst.

"Need anything else?" He asked, keeping you close as he made sure you were comfortable.

You shook your head, hands gripping his shirt as you closed your eyes once more. "Not right now. Just need you."

Maddy nodded and kissed the top of your head, continuing to rub where he knew it hurt. "Tell me if you need anything, love."

You hummed in response, pulling yourself closer again as you finally fell asleep fully, feeling loved and safe in Maddy's arms.


Sorry it's shorrttt but I hope it's sweet.

Either Camgeria or Mo Heart x Monét is next, we'll see which I finish first lmao

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