Bad Girl (Bosco x Jasmine Kennedie)

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Biker girl Jasmine goes to see her girlfriend, who currently can't go see her because she's grounded. If you couldn't tell, Jasmine's unaired mirror look made me feel a type of way.
❌Smut warning❌

Jasmine came to a screeching stop next to Bosco's house, having to stay out of sight from her parents. She was used to this by now. Her girlfriend's parents hated her, the only way she was ever able to come over was if Jasmine snuck in through Bosco's window.

She raised her helmet off, shaking her hair out as she hopped off her motorcycle. She pulled herself up the large fence to the backyard, jumping down onto the ground. Bosco wasn't able to text her now that her phone had been taken away, but Jasmine was sure she knew she was coming.

She smiled when seeing the window to Bosco's room was opened, lifting herself up onto a branch of the tree beside it. "You're lucky this just gets easier, babe." She called up to her.

Bosco looked out the window, eyes widening when she saw Jasmine climbing up. She quickly held a finger up to her lips when she climbed through the window. "You really have to be quiet tonight. They aren't happy-"

"You're eighteen, they shouldn't be grounding you anyways." Jasmine shrugged, taking her bag off of her shoulders and tossing it on the bed. "What did you do?"

Bosco sighed and wrapped her arms around Jasmine's neck, wanting to be picked up. "I didn't turn in some assignments and now I'm falling behind. They took my phone and they're saying you're the reason why I'm distracted."

Jasmine laughed, squeezing Bosco's thighs as she picked her up. "Oh really? You bad girl." She attached her lips to Bosco's neck, making her squeak.

"W-We have to be quiet, Jazzy-" She stuttered, gripping her girlfriend's shoulders. "They'll kill you if they catch you in here-"

"We'll just run outside and I'll escape with you." Jasmine smiled and pinned Bosco down onto the bed. She let her hands roam over the smaller girl's chest, making her breath hitch and her back arch.

Bosco looked up at her, raising her legs around her waist. "You love pissing them off, don't you?"

"It's my specialty." Jasmine leaned down and captured her lips in a rough kiss, rocking her hips against hers. She bit at Bosco's bottom lip and pressed her tongue into her mouth, earning a groan from her as she started tugging on her hair.

Jasmine pulled away to reach for her bag, a string of saliva connecting their lips as Bosco caught her breath. Jasmine opened her bag, giving her girlfriend a sly smile. "My bad girl still deserves a reward to make her feel better. Doesn't she?"

Bosco's eyes widened and she nodded quickly, licking her lips and lifting her shirt off for Jasmine. "Y-Yes please-"

Jasmine hummed and pulled her strap-on out of her bag. Bosco almost gasped when she saw it, hands gripping her bed sheets. "Th-That one's uh-"

"Bigger than the other?" Jasmine laughed, holding Bosco by her chin and leaning down close to her lips. "Think you can take it?"

Bosco squeaked and nodded her head eagerly, glancing at Jasmine's lips. "Yes- I-I can take it for you, Jazzy."

"That's my baby." Jasmine kissed her again, hands groping whatever part of Bosco she could reach as she undressed her. She paused with her hand resting over Bosco's clit, toying with the material of her panties.

Bosco whined and sat up to undress Jasmine, desperately needing her to hurry. The blonde caught her by the wrists, pinning them above her head.

"Be patient, Coco. I'm getting to it." Jasmine said teasingly, pulling her girlfriend's panties off and kneeling down on the floor. She pulled her closer to the edge of the bed by her legs, starting to kiss up her inner thighs.

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