Home for the Holidays (Crygi) [Part 3]

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Crystal stared at Gigi in shock, unable to form any words. Her face felt as if it was on fire from how much she was blushing. Gigi had kissed her. And she liked it. A lot.

The silence made Gigi uneasy. She looked away from Crystal, her hands fidgeting with the scarf that hung around her neck. "I-I'm so sorry...I shouldn't have-"

Crystal pulled her in to kiss her again before she could finish her sentence. She had needed this for so long. She hadn't even realized how much she truly did until seeing Gigi again. To her relief, Gigi kissed back and let go of her scarf to reach for Crystal's hands.

All of Crystal's senses were taken over by Gigi. Her hands were so small in hers, and the touch practically set her on fire. She only pulled away to catch her breath, opening her eyes to find Gigi's face was just as red as hers.

Crystal took a shaky breath, still holding onto the smaller girl's hands. "I-I uh...should've done that a couple years ago..."

Gigi giggled a bit as she met her eyes. "Good things are worth waiting for then, aren't they?"

Crystal nodded in agreement, still in a state of shock. "Y-Yeah, I guess they are."


"You kissed her?" Daya asked loudly once they were back home, staring at her sister in shock.

Crystal groaned, turning over in her small bed and stuffing her face into the pillow. "I knew telling you would be a mistake."

She was unable to think about anything else. She could practically feel Gigi's lips still on hers, and her hands twitched as she remembered what it had felt like to hold hers. Crystal knew she was down bad, and she didn't at all know what to do about it.

"Telling me is the best decision you could've ever made." Daya sat beside her, laying a hand on her shoulder. "I'm taking my girls ice skating tomorrow with some of our old friends. I'll have Jan and Jackie bring Gigi along for you."

Crystal groaned into the pillow again. "I can't skate-" She huffed, turning her head to face Daya. "You just want me to embarrass myself in front of her."

"Oh don't be so negative. You're not here for much longer so might as well take advantage of the time you'll have with her." Daya tried to convince her, shaking her by her shoulders.

Crystal sighed. It was true she didn't have much time left in her hometown. She might as well try to make some sort of move on Gigi before she had to leave. Maybe Daya was right that it just wasn't the right time for them a couple years ago. And even though Crystal still didn't think she had much time for a relationship, she wanted to try for Gigi.

"...Fine." She gave in, hoping she wouldn't regret agreeing to this. "Just don't embarrass me in front of her."

"I don't have to do that, you've got that covered." Daya teased with a smile, standing up from the bed as Crystal shot a glare at her.

"You bitch." She mumbled, turning over and watching the snow falling outside the window. Her mind raced with thoughts, all of which focused on Gigi.

The next day, she made sure to dress warmer than she had the night before. The kisses still replayed in her head as she followed her sister and her girlfriends into the small building of the skating rink. She used to go there with Daya all time when they were kids. Only she sat on the benches with her mom and watched Daya do the ice skating.

Despite her scarf and fluffier jacket, Crystal still shivered. And out of old habits, she started walking towards one of the benches to sit out of skating, until Daya grabbed her arm.

"Nope. You're enjoying yourself today." She said, dragging Crystal behind her so they could join the small group of their old friends. "Even if you fall on your ass."

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