Star Gazing (Pythia x Reader)

333 10 3

Requested by Willow0110
The window of your bedroom directly faces Pythia's. So when you use the rooftop just outside your room she can't help but get curious.

You sighed in relief when seeing the sky was still clear as the sun set. After days of rain and clouds throughout the night, it was a relief to see not a single cloud in the sky. You grabbed one of the blankets off your bed, opening your window and stepping out onto the slanted roof.

Star gazing always seemed to help you calm down and relax at night. It had been way too long since you were able to do it. You spread the blanket out on the rooftop, taking a seat before jumping back when seeing you were being watched.

Pythia smiled from her window, opening it up and leaning against the windowsill. "Did I scare you?" She asked sweetly.

Pythia, to put it nicely, was quite the interesting neighbor. You didn't hang out with her a whole lot, but she at least seemed nice. You nodded a bit, laying back on the blanket. "Well yeah, a little bit-"

Pythia hummed in response, lifting herself out of her window and walking down her own rooftop. She jumped the short distance to yours, walking up beside you. "What are we doing?"

You stared up at her in confusion. "...We?"

"Yeah! We!" Pythia smiled and sat beside you, humming with her hands in her lap. "Are we sleeping outside tonight?"

"Uh, no." You turned to face the darkening sky. "Just star gazing." You placed your hands behind your head.

"Cool." Pythia laid down beside you, copying your stance exactly and looking up at the sky. "Can I join?"

You had to try not to laugh. "Technically you already have. And if I said no I doubt you'd listen."

"I probably wouldn't." Pythia confirmed with a nod. It was quiet for just a moment as you both gazed at the sky, until she got really excited and pointed up at a bright light. "Look! Look! A shooting star!"

You raised a brow and looked at where she was pointing. "...Pythia that's a plane."

"...Oh." She said a little sadly, dropping her arm over her chest. "Well that's disappointing."

You let out a laugh, pointing towards an actual star in the now completely dark sky. "Look, there's a real star for you to look at."

Pythia turned to where you pointed, starting to smile a little. "That's pretty. I don't really actually look up at the stars much."

"Obviously. You thought a plane was a shooting star." You teased. You hadn't had this long of a conversation with her before. You had to admit, she was kinda fun.

"Oh hush-" Pythia huffed and sat up, thinking for a moment. "Hmm...we're missing something."

You glanced over at her in confusion. "What do you mean?"

Pythia jumped up, quickly hopping back over to her own house and climbing through her window. "Snacks of course! I'll be right back!"

You watched her go, a small blush on your face that you hardly noticed. This wasn't at all how you were expecting tonight to go, but you found yourself not at all minding the company. You laid your head back down as you waited for her to come back, hearing the crashing of pans and a yelp when it sounded like she dropped something. It made you laugh. Pythia was definitely something else.

Soon she was tossing bags of chips and cookies and juice boxes over to your rooftop. She smiled as she jumped back over, returning to her space beside you. "I'm back."

You smiled a little, looking down at all the snacks she was gathering around the two of you. "I can definitely see that."

Pythia giggled and opened up one of the bags of chips, holding it out to you. "Want some?"

She asked so sweetly you couldn't just say no. "Sure." You thanked her as you took one of the chips, leaning back to gaze at the sky once more. More stars were beginning to fill it, it made you happy.

It was quiet except for the sound of Pythia quickly sipping from a juice box. It was a noise you would usually find annoying, but for some reason it was comforting right now. Like it reminded you that you weren't alone to enjoy the stars.

"They're pretty." Pythia commented, pulling the straw out of her mouth. "You are too."

That second part almost made you choke. You blushed and hoped it wasn't noticable. "I- uh- thank are too-"

Pythia giggled and moved closer, putting a cookie in your hands. "We should do this again."

"Y-Yeah." You stuttered, glancing down at the cookie she handed you. "We should. That would be nice."

You could feel Pythia's eyes on you. You turned to look at her, seeing her start to smile. "Maybe we can hang out a bit more often. Maybe dinner?" She asked.

You stared at her with wide eyes, trying to figure out if she meant that in a dinner date way or not. "S-Sure. That could be fun."

"Yes!" Pythia exclaimed, fist in the air. "It's a date!"

There was your answer. You tried to hide how much you were smiling. "It's a date." You confirmed.

Pythia giggled and looked back up at the sky. You wanted to turn back to the stars, but you couldn't tear your eyes away from the girl beside you.

You definitely didn't regret letting her join you.


Pythia is a sweet angelllll. Hope you enjoyed!

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