Let Me In (Jorion) [Part 2]

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Jorgeous hadn't meant to cry herself to sleep in Orion's arms. But when she opened her eyes, she was met by a dark hotel room and the clock on the nightstand telling her that it was 1am. She hesitantly raised her head from where it had been resting on Orion's chest, a space on her shirt still damp from where her tears had landed.

The conversation they had before crying themselves to exhaustion replayed in her head. She had told Orion she loved her. And Orion had told her she loves her too. Things were not at all perfect now, but at least a small weight had been lifted off of their chests.

Jorgeous looked down at the sleeping queen beside her. As her eyes adjusted to the dark, she was able to take in Orion's features. Including the tear stains on her cheeks. She took a shaky breath, leaning forward and pressing a gentle kiss against her forehead. She had caused those tears, and she didn't like that very much.

After a few minutes, Jorgeous slowly pulled herself out of Orion's arms and stood up from the bed. Her plan was to go back to her own hotel room. She wasn't sure Orion would want her to stay the rest of the night. She reached into her pocket to find her room key, making her way to the door until a sad voice called out for her.

"Are you leaving...?" Orion's voice was quiet, but made Jorgeous jump. She turned around to see her eyes open, but still laying in bed with her hands gripping the blankets. As if she was stopping herself from holding her arms out for the smaller queen. "P-Please don't leave..."

Her tone hit right through Jorgeous' heart. "I didn't know if I should stay..."

Orion teared up again, looking away. "I'm so sorry I kept telling you to go away..." There was a whine in her voice. "I-I didn't mean it, please don't go..."

Jorgeous couldn't leave her. Not after that. She slowly laid her room key down on the dresser, walking back to the bed and letting herself fall back into Orion's arms. Orion immediately snuggled up to her, laying her head on her chest and letting out quiet whimpers as tears ran down her face again.

"Please don't cry..." Jorgeous laid a hand on her cheek, gently wiping her tears away. "It hurts to see you cry..."

"I'm sorry." Orion mumbled, rubbing her eyes with a shaking hand. "Just don't want to let you go."

Jorgeous took a shaky breath, leaning her head against Orion's and tracing gentle patterns along her back. "I'm not going anywhere, baby."

Her words seemed to calm Orion. Her whimpers slowly stopped, her arms holding firmly onto Jorgeous' waist in a protective way. Jorgeous had to fight the urge to kiss her forehead again, instead settling for running her hand through her hair.

Orion leaned into the touch, not ever thinking she'd actually recieve this sort of affection from Jorgeous. She never wanted it to end. She only moved when she had to sit up, one hand lingering on the smaller queen's waist. "We should change and then sleep..." She said quietly. "We're gonna be busy later."

Jorgeous nodded a little, letting go of her and watching as Orion pulled herself out of bed. She wrapped her arms around the pillow beside her, watching her dig through her suitcase. She felt like she still had so much to say, but she didn't know where to start.

Orion dropped a shirt beside Jorgeous, hoping she'd get the hint as she made her way to the bathroom. She could tell she looked like shit, and she felt like it too.

Part of her was still cautious about believing what Jorgeous had said. She hoped her words were true. She hoped Jorgeous loved her as much as she loved her. She should've known she wouldn't be able to let go of her feelings.

Orion looked up at herself in the bathroom mirror, finding her hair an absolute mess and tear stains covering her cheeks. Her eyes were still red, which was something she was used to. Just not exactly from crying.

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