Late Night Talking (Orion Story x Reader)

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Requested by @thedruginmeisyou_
Dating Orion comes with some struggles. That mainly being the traveling she has to do for gigs. But the two of you always make it work.

"I can't get you off my mind." Orion's sleepy voice said from the other end of the phone, making your heart skip a beat and your cheeks go red.

"You're too sweet." You smiled as you gazed at her over FaceTime, watching her wipe off the rest of the makeup on her face. "You look exhausted, baby. You really should rest."

"But that means hanging up." Orion said with a small whine, pouting as she tossed the used makeup wipes away. "And I don't want to do that."

You sighed, not wanting to hang up either. That was always the hardest part of the night. Especially lately since Orion was busy with so many gigs. You tried your best to go with her to most of them, but the times you couldn't were always the hardest. "I don't either..."

Orion settled down in her hotel room bed, still gazing at you through the phone screen. "It's hard to sleep without you. I'm tired of hugging a pillow."

You giggled softly, absolutely dying to be there with Orion to give her the love and snuggles she deserved. "Steven is a very adorable dragon, but he isn't you." You said, pulling the head of the dragon puppet into your lap and stroking his head.

Orion responded, but you could hardly make it out through her yawn. She rubbed her eyes, and the sight of your sleepy partner made your heart swell.

"Okay cutie, I think you should sleep." You said, even though you didn't want to say goodbye. "You have another gig tomorrow."

Orion sighed but nodded. She met your eyes through the phone, giving you a sleepy smile. "I love you. You sleep too alright?"

Those three words always managed to make your heart soar. "I will." You promised with a smile. "I love you too."

Even though you've had to do it so many times, hanging up and having to deal with being alone in the house still hurt. You tried not to show how much you desperately wanted Orion home, but it was hard not to.

At least the late night talks kept it from hurting too much. You loved when Orion would tell you about her performances, loved hearing her talk about songs she'd like to add to her setlist, loved hearing her rant about her wigs and makeup, and even loved hearing about the strange toys she'd find and bring home. She was so special, and you missed having her home so much.

You curled up in the bed you usually shared with her, hugging Steven to make up for the lack of holding Orion instead. You tried to sleep, but you couldn't get her off your mind. You didn't even want to try.


Work was torturous the next day, because Orion wouldn't leave your thoughts. That, and dealing with rude customers all day just made you feel down. You desperately wanted Orion. When you finally had time to check your phone at the end of the day, you were greeted by selfies of your partner both in and out of drag. You giggled softly as you responded, knowing she probably wouldn't see it till later.

It was late by the time Orion called. That part was normal, but what was unusual was the fact that she was calling instead of FaceTiming. You answered anyways, figuring she might still be at the club she had been performing at. "Baby?"

"Baby!" Orion responded happily. You smiled, but took notice of the different sounds in the background. "How was work today?"

"Horrible. People are so rude." You sighed, scooping up yours and Orion's cat and walking to the bed. The bed that felt empty without Orion. "And I was missing you all day."

"Aw, I'm sorry baby." You could hear the pout in Orion's voice. "I wish I was there to make you happier."

"You calling is enough." You said, even though you wished Orion was here so you could snuggle into her arms. At least her voice was soothing after the long day. There was more noise in the background, and you raised a brow. "Everything alright?"

Orion's voice was distant, as if she was talking to someone else for a moment. "Everything is perfect." She said hurriedly once her attention was back on you. "I have to go, but I swear I'll call you in the morning. Alright?"

Your heart sank. At this point, you practically depended on the late night talks. It was already hard enough to sleep without Orion, you wouldn't be able to sleep at all now. "Y-Yeah, alright..."

"Go rest, I love you so much baby." Orion said, sounding like she was hurrying.

You bit your lip. "I love you too..."

Orion hung up immediately after. You stared at your phone before sighing, pushing it to the side and petting the cat curled up at your side. You desperately needed Orion.

Just as expected, you hardly slept at all.


It was early when your phone ringing woke you up. You groaned, only running on an hour of sleep as you picked up your phone. You hardly looked at who was calling, answering with a yawn. "Hello?"

"Hey baby, uh..." Orion's voice woke you up a bit more. "So here's the problem. My keys are in my suitcase and I'm not gonna go through the trouble of finding them. Can you come open the door?"

You paused in confusion, rubbing your eyes as you tried to understand what Orion meant. "W-What?"

"Can you come open the door for me? My bag is getting kinda heavy-" Orion said, sounding like she was adjusting her bag on her shoulder.

Your eyes widened a little. You stumbled up from the bed and hurried to the front door, somehow managing to unlock it and open it up. You were met by Orion, who wore a smile on her face as she hung up the call. "...Surprise, baby."

"Babe-" You jumped into her arms, making her drop her bag but she could care less. She laughed, hugging you to her chest and kissing your forehead. "You weren't supposed to be back for another week-" You said in disbelief.

"I made a quick change of plans." Orion said, adjusting you in her arms and placing a soft kiss on your lips.

You giggled quietly, cupping her face in your hands. "But why?-"

Orion gazed down at you, resting her forehead against yours as she savored the feeling of being back together.

"I couldn't get you off my mind."


Here to say Orion is trade too and Late Night Talking is currently one of my fav songs. Hope you enjoyed!

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