Admirers (Jasmine Kennedie & Orion Story x Female!Reader)

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Requested by cazsomething
Working as a tech for drag race is always eventful, but having Jasmine and Orion following you like lost puppies and bickering with each other over you is a whole other story.

"Y/N! Bosco's mic is acting up!"

"I'm on it, I'm on it-" You answered your sound crew manager hurriedly, trying to find a new microphone for the queen. You didn't know what sort of things these queens were getting into this season, but you couldn't remember ever going through this many microphones before.

You grabbed a new mic box and made your way through the backstage area where other techs were running around. At this point, you had done most of the different tech jobs before, and each was more difficult than the other. Sound honestly seemed to be the easiest, and that's why you stuck with it.

Well, at least it was easy when queens weren't constantly breaking their mics.

Bosco gave you an apologetic look as you approached, holding the broken mic box out to you. "Haha...sorry."

"It's fine, dear. It happens." You responded as you took the broken one, attaching the new one to Bosco. Happens usually once, not multiple times, you thought to yourself. As you helped Bosco, you noticed your usual two admirers staring over at you from the corner of your eye.

You didn't usually get too close to any of the queens, and they usually didn't get too close to you. After all, your job was to simply work on sound for the show, not interact a ton one on one with the cast, but Jasmine and Orion were very different.

You noticed something was up with them the first time they wandered around backstage with you, asking what certain things were or getting into things they weren't supposed to. You kept them out of trouble and answered their questions, but still found it strange they chose you to follow around.

"You've got some admirers." One of your fellow techs had pointed out after you made Jasmine and Orion go back to filming Untucked. "How sweet."

"More like troublemakers." You had said with a small smile, shaking your head as you cleaned up the sound cords you had untangled from Orion.

You finished up on Bosco and turned around, about to head back to working on other things before hearing your name called again.

"Y/N? Uhh...I think I broke my mic too-"

You turned around to see Jasmine holding her mic out, giving you an innocent smile. You stifled a laugh, walking over and taking the mic box.

"Did you now?" You asked as you looked it over. Jasmine nodded quickly, shooting another smile at Orion who glared at her.

You raised a brow at the mic box before flipping it's switch, turning it back on again. You figured Jasmine was just trying to get your attention, but you didn't mind it. You handed it back to her. "There, all fixed sweetie."

"Thank you y/n! You're a magic worker~" Jasmine blushed softly as she took the mic back.

You tried not to laugh at her obvious attempt at flirting, turning away once more. "If it breaks again you know who to call."

As you walked away, you could hear the two queens arguing again.

"Did you hear that? She called me sweetie." Jasmine said, holding her hands to her heart.

Orion groaned. "That doesn't mean shit. She called Bosco 'dear' so what she said to you doesn't mean anything-"

"Both of you hush up! I can't concentrate with you two always going at it!" You heard Kornbread get onto them.

You shook your head and smiled to yourself. It was like listening to two teenagers fighting over their crush and being scolded by their mother. You had to admit, the two queens were adorable in and out of drag. You really didn't mind them wanting your attention.

But you also didn't care for them always arguing with each other because of you.


You were just getting ready to leave when one of your coworkers hurried over, tapping your shoulder quickly. "Y/N?"

"Hm?" You answered and turned around, swinging your bag over your shoulder. "Is something wrong?"

"I have to leave a little earlier today and don't have time to take my assigned queens to their hotel rooms. You think you can do it for me?" She asked, holding out two key cards. "They shouldn't be too much trouble. Unlike Daya who always runs from her handler-"

"I can do it." You smiled a little, taking the keys. Your coworker had done favors for you, might as well do this for her. "Which queens are they?"

"Jasmine and Orion." She told you, pointing to which key card was for who. "Thank you, I owe you one."

You nodded as she hurried off, putting the keys in your pocket. Of course those were the ones she was in charge of. You made your way out to the vans and explained to your other coworkers who let you ride over to the nearby hotel with them.

Once you were there you grabbed the keys from your pocket and walked over to where the queens were waiting. Orion and Jasmine immediately looked over when they saw you, beaming when realizing you were there for them.

"Your usual had to leave early, so you two are stuck with me." You told them. Jasmine smiled as she linked her arm with yours.

"I'm not complaining." She said excitedly, already leading you to the entrance of the hotel. "Any time with you is gre-"

"Hey! Wait up!" Orion huffed and caught up to you, holding onto your other arm and pulling herself close. "She's my substitute handler too Jasmine-"

"Don't remind me." Jasmine rolled her eyes, trying to be the one closer to you instead of Orion. You had a feeling they would be fighting the whole way up to their rooms.

And you were correct. You were quiet as you listened to them through the lobby, looked between them with a blank expression as you went up the elevator, and finally had enough as you walked them down the hall.

"You're just mad because I have a better chance at stealing her heart!" Jasmine raised her voice, eyes narrowed at Orion.

"You do not!" Orion clenched her fists. She was trying to control herself, but it wasn't working at all.

"Alright, that's enough." You stopped walking and turned to look at them, taking them both by surprise. You put a finger under both of their chins, getting them to look at you.

"If you keep going at it like this, you two are going to get yourselves and me in trouble." You explained to them in a calm tone. "I appreciate the both of you but you really need to stop the fighting. Okay?"

Jasmine and Orion were quiet before slowly nodding, apologizing quietly. You smiled softly, looking around before giving them each a kiss on the cheek.

"Now both of you go rest." You told them, watching them blush. You smoothed a strand of Jasmine's hair away from her face and behind her ear and ruffled Orion's hair. "And no more fighting. Promise?"

"We promise." Orion said quietly, her hand on the cheek you had kissed as Jasmine seemed to be in a trance. You unlocked their rooms for them, making sure they both went inside.

You stood between their doors for a moment before walking back down the hall. Those two were adorable. And you decided you wanted both of them.


This was pretty fun, I've had the idea of writing the reader as someone who worked on the production side of the show for a bit now. So I hope you enjoyed!

I See the Light Part 3 should be up sometime in the next couple days!

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