Dull (Jorgeous x Orion Story)

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Typical can't see color until you meet your soulmate au. With a twist ;)

Orion's world was dull without Jorgeous.

She'll never forget the moment they met. The small girl had run into Orion as she rushed to the dance studio on the corner, already super late. Orion had caught her before she could fall onto the pavement, and at that moment there was an explosion of color all around them.

Before they had even said a word to each other, they stared at everything around them in shock and wonder. Orion slowly looked down at the girl clinging to her arms, a blush on her face. "Uh...hi."

Jorgeous had smiled up at her, giggling and straightening herself out. Being late was the least of her worries now. "Hi. I'm Jorgia, but you can call me Jorgeous."

Orion smiled. She didn't do that very often. "Jorgeous...like gorgeous?"

She nodded quickly, lacing their fingers together and ignoring everyone around them. "That's right. What's your name, cutie?"

She raised a hand to Orion's cheek, and she immediately leaned into the touch. She was already intoxicated by the small girl's energy, and captivated by all the new colors around them. "Orion. It's Orion."

They gazed at each other, Jorgeous pulling herself up to get a closer look. "Your eyes are so pretty. Do you know what color they are?"

Orion blushed even more. "I-I'm not really sure yet..."

Jorgeous hummed in response, tracing her finger over Orion's jaw in wonder. "We'll find out together then. We'll learn what all the colors are together."

Orion's world was dull without Jorgeous.

Their first date didn't exactly go as planned. They had decided on a restaurant even though they both knew it was kind of cliche. It had ended in Orion almost fighting a man who had tried laying his hands on Jorgeous, resulting in them being kicked out and not allowed back in.

So they settled for a walk through the nearby park, hand in hand with Jorgeous swinging their arms. She pointed out all the different colors they were learning, picking flowers and sticking them in Orion's hair.

Orion could only watch her in wonder. "You're so pretty..." She accidentally said out loud, eyes widening when hearing the words leave her mouth.

Jorgeous stopped walking, turning to Orion with a small smile on her face. "And you're beautiful." She said without hesitation, placing a flower behind Orion's ear and pulling her down for their first kiss.

Orion would never forget it. The way Jorgeous held her face in her hands so gently and sweetly. How it felt to wrap her arms around her tiny waist and pull her close. The way time itself seemed to stop as their shared focus was on each other.

It was like a new fire was lit when they pulled away. Orion was in love, helplessly in love. She pulled Jorgeous in for another kiss, the colors around them seeming even brighter than before.

"My place?" Orion whispered against her lips, a hand running through the smaller girl's hair.

Jorgeous nodded, wrapping her arms around Orion's neck. "Please-"

Orion's world was dull without Jorgeous.

Over the next few months, Orion's apartment became their apartment. More of Jorgeous' things began to move in, and it felt more like a home than ever. Orion had fallen in love with her and with all of the colors. Painting had become a hobby for her, and she was getting to be quite good at it. She painted everything she could. Flowers, buildings, abstract paintings, but her favorite muse was Jorgeous, who inspired her more than anything or anyone ever could.

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