Scary Movies (Jayasco)

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I offer you this fluff after all the sad and depressing shit I've been writing lately.
Bosco and Daya love horror movies. Jasmine does not.

Jasmine couldn't believe she had agreed to this. She blamed it on her girlfriends being so cute and hard to resist. Bosco and Daya had been planning their little horror movie marathon for weeks now. Daya had even gotten cute new blankets for them to cuddle under and Bosco had bought bags of Halloween candy just for them. Jasmine couldn't just not show up to join them.

So now she found herself snuggled between them on Daya's bed. She enjoyed the closeness and the cuddles, but she was hardly able to get through that first movie they watched. The only thing that kept her distracted was Daya feeding her candy, but now both her and Bosco were really into the second movie.

Bosco's eyes were focused on the TV in front of them. She kept one arm around Jasmine from under the blanket, rubbing her side with her hand and shoveling popcorn into her mouth with her other. Daya leaned her head against Jasmine's, but it did little to calm the smaller girl's nerves.

She jumped slightly at the sound of a scream coming from the TV, yet Bosco and Daya were unphased. Jasmine took a shaky breath. She knew she had a lot more movies to go before the night was over. She turned over, curling up against Bosco's side.

Bosco looked down at her, tilting her head and brushing Jasmine's hair out of her face. "You okay, baby?"

Jasmine nodded. There was no way she was going to admit that she was scared. That would be way too embarrassing. "I'm fine. Just sleepy..." She said softly.

Daya turned her attention away from the TV, not seeming very convinced by Jasmine's words. "You sure? Or is this movie too much?"

They were all too much for Jasmine. But she wasn't saying that out loud. "It's fine, Daya. I just haven't been sleeping well."

Bosco and Daya exchanged a look before nodding. They both knew it was no use arguing with Jasmine. Daya lifted her gently up into her lap, letting her rest her head against her chest as she pulled the blanket over her. "If you say so."

Jasmine buried her head in Daya's chest in an effort to block out the noise of the movie. Bosco moved closer to them, holding the smaller girl's hand under the blanket. It brought Jasmine some comfort, and she gently squeezed it.

The comfort was nice, but it didn't last very long. Jasmine risked a look at the movie playing but immediately regretted. She froze at the sight of blood, ubable to stop a whimper from escaping her lips as she shoved her head against Daya's chest.

"I knew it." Bosco said, grabbing the remote from the end of the bed. "It's okay, baby. We'll turn it off."

"N-No-" Jasmine tried stopping her, but Bosco was already turning the movie off. "I can handle it-"

"We knew you weren't just tired." Daya said as she sat up, cupping Jasmine's face in her hands so the smaller girl would look up at her. "It's alright, horror movies aren't for everyone."

Jasmine didn't meet her eyes. "But you two have been talking about this for weeks..." She mumbled. "I don't wanna ruin it for you."

Bosco shook her head, a small pout on her lips. "Jasmine, angel, the movies were just a bonus. We wanted to do something cute together. It was a good excuse to eat a ton of candy and cuddle all night."

"I was more focused on holding you than I was on the movies anyways." Daya pressed a comforting kiss to her cheek, her arms wrapped around her waist. "If you don't like them, we won't watch them."

Jasmine was still unsure. She rubbed her arm nervously. "But you two like them..."

"I like you a lot more than I like horror movies. I know that for a fact." Bosco said, trying to get a smile out of Jasmine. "I'd rather cuddle with you instead of make you scared."

"We can watch them on our own." Daya ran a gentle hand through Jasmine's hair. "For now, we'll watch something you'll like too."

Before Jasmine could argue, Bosco was finding something else to put on. She squeaked when Daya laid her back down in the middle of the bed and tucked her under the blankets. "You warm enough?"

Jasmine blushed, nodding as Bosco laid beside her and held her from behind. She had settled on Hocus Pocus and now busied herself by placing small kisses on Jasmine's shoulders. The feeling made her let out a small giggle, a smile starting to appear on her face.

"There we go." Daya said when she saw, tilting Jasmine's head up to brush her lips against hers. "There's that cute smile."

Jasmine blushed, covering her face with the blanket and groaning softly. "It's not cute-"

"Well we think it is." Daya carefully pulled the blanket back and grabbed the now empty popcorn bowl. "I'm gonna go get more. Cuddle with Coco."

Jasmine whined at the loss of warmth when Daya pulled herself out of the bed, turning over and hooking a leg over Bosco's hip. Bosco pulled her closer, resting her head on top of hers and twirling a strand of her hair.

"Feeling better now?" She asked, letting Jasmine snuggle even closer to make up for Daya not being next to her.

Jasmine nodded, tracing her finger over the exposed skin on Bosco's collar bone. "A lot better. Thank you..."

"You don't need to thank us." Bosco assured her, wrapping her arms tightly around her and kissing her forehead. "Anything that makes you happy is worth it."

Jasmine smiled, laying her head on Bosco's chest as Daya came back. She set the new bowl of popcorn down only for Bosco to immediately grab it, making her huff. "Hey-"

"I'll share. I promise." Bosco smiled, unsure if she'd keep that promise. "Now come cuddle Jasmine with me."

Daya couldn't say no to that. She settled down beside the smaller girl and wrapped her arms around her waist, trapping her between her and Bosco and peppering her face in light kisses. Jasmine squealed, pressing back against Daya's chest but not bothering to dodge her lips.

"I love you, babygirl." Daya said softly, pressing another kiss to her lips this time. "So much."

"And I love you too." Bosco chimed in, gently rubbing Jasmine's hip from under the blanket and kissing her temple.

Jasmine buried her face in Bosco's chest, overwhelmed by the affection. "I love you both-"

She felt a lot better without the other movies on. As Hocus Pocus played, her eyes started to close and she snuggled farther between her girlfriends. Daya and Bosco exchanged a look, the taller of the two resting her head on top of Jasmine's. "Coco?"

"Hm?" Bosco tilted her head, scooting closer to rest her forehead against hers.

Daya smiled, kissing her lips softly. "And I love you too. Don't forget that."

Bosco giggled quietly. "How could I? You remind me all the time."

"I have to make sure you know." Daya replied, lacing her fingers with hers and resting their hands on Jasmine's side.

Bosco smiled as she met her eyes, going in for another kiss. "I love you too."


Look guys I did a fluff. Hope you enjoyed

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