Scary Noises (Daya Betty x Jasmine Kennedie)

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Requested by anonymous
Jasmine is convinced her hotel room is haunted and she's desperate for someone's comfort, even if that someone has to be Daya

The first thing that scared Jasmine was the flickering lights. She turned to look at the lamp, narrowing her eyes at it. She took a deep breath before continuing to get ready for bed, telling herself it was just the lightbulb acting weird.

She turned the lamp off and curled up in the hotel bed, trying to close her eyes and rest until hearing what she could've sworn were footsteps in the room. Her eyes snapped open and she turned the lamp back on, looking around.

Jasmine gripped her blanket, slowly laying back down again and starting to shake. Whatever was going on, she didn't like it. She squeezed her eyes shut, trying to force herself to sleep now.

But the strange noises continued, and when she opened her eyes again she could've sworn she saw the curtain moving and the light flickered again.

Jasmine whined and quickly got out of bed, grabbing her key and not bothering to change before rushing out of her room. "No no no-" She repeated quickly to herself, heart pounding in her chest.

Once out in the hallway she rushed down to the other doors, desperately needing comfort from one of the other queens. She stopped in her tracks when she saw Maddy, locking eyes with her before rushing towards her with open arms. "Maddy-"

Maddy quickly rushed into Kerri's room and Jasmine fell against the door right when it closed. She groaned, turning around to another door and running to that one.

She knocked furiously, breathing starting to quicken. "C-Camden? Angie?" There was no response. She whimpered and moved on to the next one, starting to become desperate. "Deja? P-Please answer-"

She got no response again. Jasmine started to tear up, hands shaking as she knocked loudly on another door, not even sure who this one belonged to. "S-Someone please a-answer me-"

A very sleepy Daya opened the door, rubbing her eyes. "Time to get up already?"

Jasmine didn't have time to think before launching herself into Daya's arms, clinging onto her for dear life and crying into her shoulder. "H-Help-"

Daya yelped and almost fell back, an annoyed look on her face as she looked down at Jasmine. "...Get off of me."

"N-No-" Jasmine cried harder, tightening her hold on Daya. "There's s-something in my room a-and I don't wanna b-be alone-"

Daya groaned, about to make a snarky remark until seeing how genuinely terrified Jasmine was. She stared at her, carefully laying a hand on her back. "Oh my..." She closed the door, carrying Jasmine to the desk chair and trying to set her down.

"No!" Jasmine cried and gripped tight onto Daya's shirt, not wanting to be put down. "P-Please don't put me d-down- H-Hold me please!"

Daya quickly boosted her back up into her arms, eyes wide as she tried to figure out what to do. Earlier that day she wanted to fight this girl, but now the queen was sobbing into her neck and desperately needing help.

"Alright, alright..." Daya said as soothingly as possible, starting to rub Jasmine's back and sway back and forth. "Take a deep breath and tell me what happened."

Jasmine hiccupped and sniffled, struggling to take deep breaths. At this moment she hardly realized it was Daya she was with, just focusing on the touch and comfort in the arms holding onto her. She trembled as she slowly raised her head, freezing when she met Daya's eyes.

Daya hesitated before carrying Jasmine to the bed, sitting with her in her lap. "Was it a bad dream?" She asked, rocking back and forth to try to calm her.

Jasmine whimpered and laid her head against Daya's shoulder. She struggled to form words, reaching her hand out for Daya's. "H-Hand...please?"

Daya hesitated but moved a hand off Jasmine's back and laid it in hers. She figured she might as well, she already had her sobbing in her lap.

Jasmine laced her fingers with Daya's, focusing on the touch. "N-Not a nightmare. S-Scary noises in my room..."

Daya almost teased her for thinking her room was haunted, but held herself back. She knew it would probably upset her more. Instead she held her closer, humming in her ear and continuing to rock back and forth. "You're okay, I promise. You're safe." She tried her best to comfort her, but wasn't sure if it was working. "I've got you, okay?"

Jasmine was quiet. She raised her head once more, whining as she shook. "D-Daya..."

"I'm right here, Jasmine. You're alright." Daya leaned back, letting the smaller queen get comfortable on top of her. Jasmine wrapped her legs tightly around her waist, still struggling to calm down.

Daya sighed, placing a hand on Jasmine's cheek and wiping away her tears. "Sweetheart, I need you to look at me."

Jasmine looked into her eyes, trembling more. She couldn't tell if it was from fear or from how intimate this all felt. She dug her nails into Daya's shirt, trying not to hide her face in the other queen's chest.

Daya was quiet, studying Jasmine closely. She wrapped an arm around her waist and pulled her closer, gently pressing a kiss to her lips. "You're okay, you're safe. Nothing scary is going to get you. They'd have to fight me if they even tried."

Jasmine's eyes went wide. Her trembling stopped and instead she froze up, letting Daya lay her down on the bed and tuck her in under the blankets.

Daya smiled when noticing how shocked she seemed, kissing her forehead and laying beside her. "You're safe here, sweetheart. I promise."

Jasmine slowly pulled herself closer, squeaking quietly when Daya wrapped her arms around her. She liked this Daya. The sweet and gentle one. "D-Daya...?"

"Yes angel?" Daya hummed, finger tracing patterns on the skin of Jasmine's back.

Jasmine looked up at her, hesitating to ask her a question. "C-Can you...Can you kiss me again?" Her voice came out in a shaky whisper.

Daya just smiled, moving her hands to cup Jasmine's face. She leaned down and kissed her lips again, and Jasmine felt like she was melting. She hooked her leg over Daya's hip, parting her lips when feeling her tongue trace over her bottom lip. She almost hated how right this felt, but she wanted so much more of it.

Daya took her time, running a hand down Jasmine's side as she pressed her tongue against hers. Jasmine whined softly, placing her hand on the back of Daya's neck and pulling her impossibly closer.

Daya smiled when she pulled away, licking her lips and leaning her forehead against Jasmine's. "Feeling a little better?"

Jasmine gazed up at her in a daze, nodding and wrapping her arms tight around her neck. "Y-Yeah, thank you..."

Daya kissed her lips again before her arms returned to their place around Jasmine's waist. "Try to go back to sleep, angel. I'll be right here if you need me."

Jasmine snuggled against Daya's chest and closed her eyes. She focused on the sound of her heartbeat and the feeling of kisses against the top of her head before starting to doze off, feeling a lot better than she had been.


Soft and comforting Daya is >>> I love it probably one of my favorites to write now

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