Sniffles and Snuggles (Jasmine Kennedie x Bosco)

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Ah yes, the sick fic. It was bound to happen at some point.

Bosco was used to waking up way after Jasmine most of the time. So when she opened her eyes to find her girlfriend still clinging to her side, she already knew something was wrong. She rubbed her eyes before she sat up, shaking her gently. "Jazzy? You okay?"

Jasmine coughed into the pillow and raised her head, immediately dropping it again and groaning. "What time is it?"

"A little after eleven." Bosco told her and brushed Jasmine's hair out of her face, placing her hand on her forehead. "You feel warm..."

"I'm fine." Jasmine mumbled sleepily and tried pulling herself out of bed so she could get ready. She squeaked when Bosco's arms wrapped around her waist, pulling her back down on the bed.

"No you are not. You have a fever." Bosco pulled her back against her chest, hooking a leg over her waist to keep her in place. Jasmine huffed and struggled to get out of her embrace, groaning and going limp when she couldn't. She knew it was no use fighting against Bosco when she was in protective mode.

Bosco smiled victoriously, kissing the top of her head before frowning when feeling how hot she really was. "My poor baby." She pouted, holding her close. "You're not going anywhere today. You're staying here and resting."

"But I-" Jasmine was interrupted by her coughing, head falling back onto the pillow. "...Fine. But don't complain if you get sick too."

"Then that just means I can stay home and you can take care of me. Which means more cuddles." She smiled sweetly and pressed a quick kiss to Jasmine's lips. "But for now, you're my main focus."

Jasmine blushed softly, burying her head in Bosco's chest and shivering as chills ran up her spine. She hated being sick. But she was thankful for the extra love and affection from her girlfriend. She snuggled further against her, trying to stop the chills.

Bosco pressed a couple kisses to her forehead, pulling her arms away so she could get up. Jasmine immediately let out a whine, feeling colder without her as she held her arms back out for her.

"I'm just getting some more blankets, sweetheart." Bosco promised, leaning down to kiss her again. "And some medicine for you. Don't move."

Jasmine grimaced when she mentioned the medicine, watching her leave the room. She groaned into the pillow and tried to stop shivering, rubbing her arms. She glanced towards the corner of the room, her eyes resting on the hoodie Bosco had worn yesterday. She risked the cold of the room and pulled herself out of the bed.

Jasmine's legs were wobbly as she walked the short distance to grab the hoodie. She realized she was a lot sicker than she initially thought. She coughed into her arm before she reached for the hoodie with shaky hands, pulling it on and immediately comforted by her girlfriend's scent on it.

"I told you not to move-" Bosco rushed to Jasmine's side, keeping her steady. "You're shivering too much baby-"

"Wanted your hoodie..." Jasmine mumbled softly, letting Bosco lead her back to bed. She sniffled and rubbed her eyes as she sat back down, wanting cuddles. She held her arms out for Bosco. "Hold me...?"

"Just one moment, my love." Bosco poured the medicine into the small cup, sitting beside her. "You need to take this."

Jasmine bit her lip, shaking her head. "Don't make me..."

Bosco sighed, pulling her close and holding it up to her lips. "Please, baby? I want you to feel better. I brought you some water that you can drink right after."

Jasmine stared down at the medicine that seemed to taunt her. She glared at it and slowly took it from Bosco's hand, quickly pouring it into her mouth and swallowing as she tried not to gag. She immediately coughed, shaking her head quickly. "Disgusting..."

Bosco replaced the medicine cup with the water bottle, smiling as she kissed Jasmine's cheek. "See? It wasn't that bad."

"It was horrible." Jasmine mumbled in her angry yet sad voice that Bosco found adorable. She sipped her water before shivering again, whining as she reached out for her girlfriend once more. "Can I have a reward now?"

Bosco smiled and pulled her up onto her lap, laying back against the pillows so Jasmine could lay on her chest. "My poor sweetheart. You need all the love and attention you can get don't you?" She peppered Jasmine's face in kisses, making her blush and squeak softly. She covered her up in the blankets, continuing to place kisses anywhere she could reach. "Feeling a little warmer?"

Jasmine nodded and nuzzled close against her. She wrapped her arms around Bosco's neck and her legs around her waist, holding on as tight as she could. Which wasn't much, she still felt weak and shaky. She hid her face against Bosco's neck, leaving soft kisses there. "Babe?"

"Hm?" Bosco leaned her head against hers as she grabbed the remote, looking through Netflix to find something Jasmine would like.

"I love you." Jasmine smiled. "Even though you make me take gross medicine, I love you very much."

Bosco laughed and tilted Jasmine's head up, kissing her lips and tracing a finger over her jawline. Jasmine giggled into the kiss, moving her hand to cup Bosco's cheek.

"I love you too." Bosco said once they pulled away. She dropped the remote to wrap both arms around her, giving her a gentle squeeze. "More than you can imagine."

Jasmine beamed before yawning softly as the medicine took affect. She settled back down onto Bosco's chest, the show that had been put on fading into background noise.

Bosco played with Jasmine's hair, twirling strands of it around her finger as she hummed softly for her. She felt Jasmine go limp on her chest, kissing the top of her head when she knew she was asleep.

"My sweet angel." Bosco cooed softly as she gazed down at her lovingly. "I love you so so much. Even if you're probably gonna get me sick too."

Short but sweet.
Up next is either Janey x Blu or Jorgeous x Orion. We'll see what happens. Hope you all enjoyed!

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