Bruises (Biadore) {Part 2}

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Continuation from the last chapter, please read that one first.

Both Bianca and Adore were silent, neither of them knowing how to start this conversation.

"Uh.." Adore started to speak and Bianca could hear how nervous she sounded. "I-I'm really sorry about these last couple months, I really didn't put in any effort to keep in touch and I just.." She trailed off, and Bianca could tell she was close to tears.

"It's fine, Adore.." Bianca whispered, leaning back against the couch. It hurt to hear her sound that way, she couldn't bare knowing she was sad. "I promise. I know you must be pretty busy."

Adore was quiet for a moment before letting out a shaky sigh. "..I've missed you so much, B. I wanted to talk to you but everytime I did it just hurt.." Adore trailed off, fidgeting with her fingers. "It hurt to know I had lost you.."

Bianca was quiet for a moment, letting Adore speak. She rubbed her head as she looked down. "You didn't lose me, Adore," she said softly, trying to keep herself together. She still could hardly believe she was talking to her. "I've always been here. Even though we've broken up, I've always been here.."

Adore stayed quiet and Bianca was scared she had said something wrong, about to speak again before the other finally spoke. "I can't stop thinking about you, willow.." She whispered. "I can't do anything without thinking of you, I need you, we're supposed to be together.."

Bianca felt her eyes starting to water once again. She took a breath, hand shaking. "Then why did you leave..?"

Adore knew that question would be asked. She dreaded answering it because she knew she had made the wrong decision. She hesitated for a moment before answering. "I thought it would be better for us, for our careers, but I was more than wrong.."

Bianca could tell that wasn't the full truth. If they were going to get back together like she hoped they would, she would need the whole story. "You're sure that's it?"

Adore should've known she couldn't keep a secret from Bianca. Even after months apart, the older queen still knew her better than anyone. "No, there is more.." She admitted.

"Tell me," Bianca said in a gentle voice, not wanting to be too pushy.

Adore gripped her phone tightly, tears forming in the corners of her eyes. She had cried more than ever before in the time she had been away from Bianca. She had grown used to the tears. "Comments I would get had a lot to do with it.." She said, wanting and wishing she could be beside Bianca instead of alone. "People saying I didn't deserve you, that our age gap was disgusting even though we're both older adults.."

Bianca listened to her, staring off into space. She thought for a moment before looking down, petting Sammy who had jumped onto her lap when realizing something was wrong. "I'm so sorry, Danny. I wish I could've made things better.."

It was quiet between them for a moment, a moment that seemed too long for Bianca, she opened her mouth, about to say something else before Adore talked first. "Well...maybe we could meet up soon? I always liked that coffee shop on the corner by your place.."

Bianca felt her heart skip a beat, not expecting that but finding herself nodding and giving a small smile. "Yeah..yeah. I'd like that," she said, cheeks a soft shade of pink.

Adore smiled from the other end of the phone, hand shaking a little from both the nervousness and the excitement of seeing her Bianca, her Roy, again. "Then it's a date."


Bianca sighed as she slowly sat down in one of the seats in the coffee shop, anxiously waiting for Adore's arrival. The comforting smell of the place did little to calm her nerves, her heart racing more and more with each passing minute. She glanced at the time. Adore should be there anytime now.

As if on cue, the small bell of the coffee shop rang softly as the door opened. Adore stepped inside, looking around for a moment before seeing Bianca and smiling a little. That smile Bianca loved so much.

Adore walked over and took a seat across from Bianca, looking up at her with wide eyes. Her long hair was pulled back into a bun, loose strands of it framing her face as Bianca admired the light stuble that had grown since the last time she saw her. Her heart ached as she watched her sit, just wanting to grab her hand and not let go.

"H-Hey.." Adore stuttered, not sure how to start the conversation. "You look great.."

Bianca blushed slightly, snapping out of her trance and looking down into Adore's eyes. "So do you," she said softly, rubbing her arm to keep her hand from reaching out for Adore's. "You always do."

Adore smiled a little and relaxed a bit. Being in Bianca's presence once more gave her comfort, which most would find odd since the two were now exes. But if things went well, Adore wanted to change that. She wanted, needed, her willow back.

"So, how's the new music coming along?" Bianca asked, trying to make small talk. She didn't want things to get awkward. Not if it would ruin making things better.

"I've recorded some new songs, I really like how they turned out," Adore smiled up at her, happy to have been asked about her music. But she'd rather get to what was bothering her. "Been hard though, you're all I think about. When I'm writing, when I'm singing, all I think of is you.."

Bianca was quiet for a moment, hand gripping her arm before sighing, lifting it to grab ahold of Adore's. "You're always on my mind, Danny. I didn't realize how much I needed you know.."

Adore squeezed her hand tightly and closed her eyes a little, processing her thoughts whole focusing on the feeling of Bianca's hand in hers. They fit so perfectly together, they felt so right. She hated herself for ending things.

"Can..can we please try again?" Adore's voice came out at just above a whisper, trembling slightly. She squeezed Bianca's hand tighter, afraid of what the answer might be. "I need you, Roy.."

Bianca was quiet before lifting Adore's hand to her lips, kissing a tattooed finger. "I think I'd die without you, baby. You're mine forever."


Later that evening, Bianca hadn't felt that sort of peace in a long time. Adore had come home with her and now laid snuggled against her side, arms wrapped tightly around Bianca's torso as they laid on the couch together. Even Sammy and Dede were happy to have her back, both of them curled up beside her.

Bianca looked down at her before gently laying her arm over Adore's waist, pulling her up towards her chest to keep her closer. Adore opened her eyes a little to look up at her before closing them again, snuggling into her chest. "Roy..?"

"Hm?" Bianca said softly, gently tucking a strand of loose hair back behind Adore's ear.

Adore let out a tired sigh, hands gripping Bianca's shirt. "I love you..and I'm so sorry for-"

Before she could finish, Bianca pressed a small peck to her lips, putting a hand on her cheek. "I love you too. I always will."

They had a long way to go before everything could go back to normal again, but for now they had each other. And that's all they needed.

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