Chapter 83

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Vivianas POV

Emma didn't say anything after I had my outburst, she just held me and we laid down again.

It felt so good to get that out but I wish it wasn't at Emma, she's too good to me

"I'm sorry" I tell her softly, still not looking at her. I just kept my face buried in her neck

"Don't be sorry, I'm glad you got to get it out, I want to help though" she says and continues to play with me hair

"I don't even know how to help myself, and your recovery.... You can't let me set you back" I say and she sighs

"Princesa helping you will help my recovery, we can both do it together" she says and i don't respond but close my eyes instead

I must have fallen asleep because the next thing I knew I heard voices talking, I was still on Emma so I didn't care too much

"Viviana Kate, I told you to stay in my office, let's go" mom says sternly and I don't respond, I didn't want to leave Emma. I was laying on her chest but my head faced away from the door so I couldn't see my mom

She was too comfy, and I felt sick, I think it was all the crying earlier

"Ha tenido una mañana difícil, ¿puedes pedirle a Maya que la deje en paz un rato?" I heard Emma say

{She has had a difficult morning, can you ask Maya to leave her alone for a while?}

I heard Andy sigh before she started to talk

"Let's give them a few minutes?" Andy ask and I heard mom scoff

"Andy she!" Mom exclaims and stops and sighs

"Fine." mom says and I assume her and Andy walked out so I turned to look up at Emma

"Are you going to be okay?" Emma ask me

"I'm fine bambina, I just- am having a little trouble connecting with my emotions" I admit and sit up, knowing mom is not going to give me much time with Emma

"I want to help you. In any way I can. Just tell me how" she says softly and rubs her thumb over the back of my hand

"I don't even know how to help myself" I say with an awkward chuckle

"How about this, I'll check up on you, whenever I can until you get your phone back. We will start recovery today. Keep each other in line" she says and I nod

"I would like that" I say and she kisses my cheek

"I love you" she says and I smile

"I love you more" I tell her and she kisses me

"I have to go, I'll come tomorrow so hopefully I can see you" I say and she nods

I left her room and went out to my mom who was talking to Andy

She still looked very upset but there wasn't anything I could do about that now

"Back to my office. Your mama is on the way" she tells me and points to the door

I rolled my eyes but did as she said and walked out of Andy's office to my moms

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