Chapter 16

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Vivianas POV

I'm back in school today but Shawn isn't until tomorrow, even then he has a week of in school detention which just basically means he is staying in one room all day

Either way that works for me

Mom and I are also spending the day together when I get out of school, we'll we are going to watch a movie and I'm pretty excited to spend the time with her

Mama was going to come but she now has to work

Despite the whole having to come back to school today, my day hasn't been that bad, and considering the fact it's only 7:30

"Alright kid we got to go" mom tells me and I nod and we head out the door

"Andy is going to come with us today" she tells me

"Oh...okay" I tell her, slightly disappointed

"Or do you not want her to? I can tell her nevermind" she says and I shake my head

"No mom it's fine" I tell her, you would have thought she would have asked before hand

"No, you know what I'll just tell her never mind" she smiles and I groan

I swear this is some manipulation technique

"Mom! It's fine" I say and she pulls up at the school

"Love you" I say and get out of the car and head to my first class

I guess I am a little disappointed it's not going to be just us anymore but oh well I guess, nothing I can do about it now

I hated this whole thing now, now I feel selfish for not wanting Andy to go but I just wanted to spend some time with my mom... is that really a bad thing?

Once again Jade was gone, I swear she's probably pregnant or something, who knows and I don't care anymore

I sat by myself at lunch and watched a bunch of tik toks

Once lunch was over I was in my favorite class and I was talking to Devon until I felt something weird

Shit.. I don't know if I just started my period or if it was something else

I don't think it's my period.... I'm not suppose to have that until next week but.... At the same time I don't know

I quickly asked to go to the bathroom just to make sure I wasn't bleeding through my clothes and thank god I wasn't. No period for me.

I hate how that happens- like why just being a woman be so difficult? Why do we get all the bad things

Are we currently bleeding through our clothes or is our body just producing a bunch of discharge- honestly- screw being a girl. I hate it

I went back to class and continued conversation with Devon until the bell rang

After the last class of the day I started walking back to the apartment and I could see Emma just a little bit ahead of me so I called out to her

"Emma!" I yell and she turns around and smiles

"Hey! Looks like you didn't forget my name this time" she says

"Yea... sorry about that" I chuckle

"So if you don't go to Seattle high where are you?" I ask, I mean she is always walking the same way I am

"My school is literally right behind yours" she says

"Not going to lie... I never knew that was there" I laugh and she smiles

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