Chapter 34

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Vivianas POV

It's happend it again, why does this keep happing

I hate it

Once again I was finding it hard to breathe in mamas office after my mind started to wander and think about mom not waking up

But this time mama wasn't here to help, so I was freaking out with that too because I couldn't calm myself down

"What's going on?" I could hear Emma ask, I couldn't see again. I didn't even know she was here yet

"I think it's a panic attack, she had one earlier and Carina calmed her down, I tried but every time I touched her she freaked out more" I heard Andy says

I didn't even know she was touching me

"I'm going to call Carina" Andy has said

"Wait, let me try" emma says and she moves across the room until she was in front of me

"Princesa, hey, it's me, it's Emma" she says and this time I felt her place her hands on mine and that brought me back a little and I was able to see things a lot more clearly Instead of everything spinning around me

"Good, good now breathe with me" she says and exaggerates her breathing allowing me to copy her and calm myself down

"Good girl, that's better princesa" she smiles and I lean forwards to wrap my arms around her

"I'm sorry" I say

"Don't be sorry, it's okay. I'm just glad you're okay" she says and I pull back and actually look at her for the first time

"Emma!" I exclaim after seeing how bruised and red her face was

"Vivi no, stop it" she says

"No, Em, what happened?" I ask and she shakes her head and I notice Andy still standing in mamas office with us

"Im going to get some coffee" Andy says and I nod as she  walks out

"I'm fine" Emma says

"You're not fine" I say and bring my hands up to softly touch her cheek and she winces

"Emma" I sigh

"Was it your dad?" I ask and she sighs

"It was an accident" she tells me

"Emma that's not an accident," I say and i move us to the couch in mamas office since we were on the floor

"Yes it was, I don't want to talk about it" she says and I sigh

I can't keep letting her get hurt, but I know if I tell my moms then I will lose Emma's trust, so I really don't know what to do

"How's your mom?" She ask, changing the subject like she always does

"No idea, I haven't gone to see her, too scared" I admit

"I can go with you if you want" she offers and I smile

"I don't know if I want too at all... but if I do then yes" I tell her and she nods and mama comes into the room

"Viv your mom" she starts and stops when she sees Emma

"Bambina what happened to your face!" Mama exclaims and comes over to Emma

"Oh it's nothing" Emma says

"No, Emma that's not nothing, your face is bruised" mama says and Emma looks to me

"Bambina if something is happening at school, or at home we can help" mama tells her and Emma looks down at her lap and over to me and I could tell she was about to cry

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