Chapter 63

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Emma's POV

I stayed there for a while and when I got up the blood had dried all over my leg but the house didn't have any water anymore so I couldnt wash it off

I just pulled my pants back up and grabbed my bags and walked back to the station

When I walked in Andy was talking to Dean

"Mija? What are you doing here?" She asked me

"Is Maya and viv here?" I ask, ignoring her question

"Yes... but come with me" she says and takes me to what used to be Mayas office but now I guess it's hers

She walked around to the other side of the desk and pulled out a wipe and brought it over to me

She used the wipe, to wipe under my eyes and on my cheeks before tossing it in a trash bin

"Now, what happened and what has you so upset?" She ask

"Nothing I'm fine" I say

"Emma, I just wiped the tears off of your face, I know you aren't fine" she says and i sigh

"Just a bad night, and I'm going to be in so much trouble" I say

"What happened Emma?" She ask softly but in a demanding tone

"I can't" I sigh, I couldn't tell her, who would believe me anyway

She nodded and stood up and wrapped her arms around me

She was about to say something else but the alarm went off

"I have to go... but you are welcome to stay in here as long as you want, when I get back I want us to talk" she says and I nod and she smiles and walks out of the office

I waited a little bit before walking up to Mayas office and knocked on the door

"Come in" she says and I walk in and she looked at me confused

"I thought you weren't coming until later? Shouldn't you be in school? Are you okay?" She ask and I nod

"Yes to all of those" I sigh

"Can I go see viv before you ask more questions?" I ask and she smiles softly and nods and I walk To the bunk in her office and viv was asleep

I smiled and laid down beside her and she woke up

"Hey..... what are you doing here?" She ask and moved to where she was laying on my chest

"I missed your beautiful face" I tell her and run my fingers through her wavy hair

"Go back to sleep princesa, I'm tired too" I say and she nods and closes her eyes, and I quickly did the same

I was woken back up by Maya who carefully had her hand on my arm and viv was waking up behind me

"Emma sweetheart Kate is on the phone" she says and I sigh but nod and sit up

"Is she mad?" I ask Maya

"I think she is just worried" Maya says and hands me her phone,


"Emma! Why aren't you in school? I have been trying to get ahold of you"

"I- I'm sorry, I don't even have an excuse I just couldn't go today" I say and she sighs on the other side

"Are you mad?"

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