Chapter 3

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Vivianas POV

Today literally has been terrible! I'm so frustrated for some reason and I feel like I just want to cry and I don't know why

First off, Jade was gone once again, so I sat by myself at lunch then I had this test that I had been studying for and I failed it,

I don't even know how that happened, I studied so hard and remembered all the material but once the test was in front of me it all disappeared

So now, mom and mama are going to be mad once my grade is about to drop

On top of all that, there is a kid in almost all of my classes that likes to tease me about having two moms

Usually it doesn't bother me but today is just not a good day

"Dude will you shut up already?" I snap and the teacher looks over at us, great

"Shawn, leave her alone" our teacher says, actually surprising me because I thought I was about to be yelled at

During my last period I got a text from mom about dinner

Maya: Hey kid, mamas working late tonight so I'm ordering food, what do you want?

Viviana; cheese fries

Maya: and what else?

Viviana; doesn't matter

I quickly turned my phone off before my teacher came back inside the classroom

Once school was over I walked back to the apartment and moms car was here but she wasn't

Probably out running like she does a lot

I threw my bag in my room and laid down on the couch and put on criminal minds

I got lost in my episode until mom came through the door

"Hey, how was school?" She ask, holding the food she had ordered

"Good" I reply

"Did you do your homework?" She ask

"No, I'll do it tomorrow" I say, our classes at school were different every other day

"Now please" she says and I sigh

"I don't even need it tomorrow," I say while rolling my eyes and turn back to the tv

"Viv, homework first" she says

"I'm too tired mom, I'll do it tomorrow" I tell her and she sighs and drops something on the counter

"Viviana, I'm not going to tell you again" she says and I get up and walk to my room

The only time someone calls me by full name is when I'm in trouble or they are just meeting me

I wasn't lying when I told her I was tired

I shut and locked my door and laid down in bed,

I didn't want to take a nap because I probably  won't be able to sleep tonight but it was this or get frustrated by her not listening once again

I don't understand why it has to be done tonight when I can do it tomorrow

I cut all of my lights off and the only sound in my room was my fan and I was able to  fall asleep rather quickly

Mayas POV

I really don't understand why the homework can't be done now, that will save her from doing it tomorrow

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