Chapter 48

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Emma's POV

I haven't spoken to viv in over a week, she texted me a few times but I didn't respond until one night

She texted me but all she said was I love you, which she had said many other times in messages the days prior but that was always with something else

So I texted her back and told her that I still loved her but she hasn't even opened the messages

I thought about texting Maya or Carina to make sure she was okay but didn't want to seem weird

So it's been 2 days since that message and viv has still Not replied, which means I am going to walk down to the station to see if Maya is working and I can talk to her

On the other hand ever since that social worker came here my dad has been so much more protective, he barely lets me leave the house and everytime I do, he always gets super mad

I have more bruises on my stomach and sides. They hurt more too

My wrist has bruises too from where he had grabbed me

But I'm the end, like I told viv I have no one so it's not like telling is an option for me

My dad was passed out on the couch when I got downstairs so I quickly left

I know I'll be in trouble when I get home for leaving but I need to make sure viv is okay

When I got to the station I didn't see anyone at the desk so I walked up to Mayas office and knocked on the door

"Hey, Mayas not here" vivs aunt, Andy, says coming over to me, she was really cool. I liked her.

"Oh, I thought she was coming back to work?" I ask, before viv and I broke up Maya had said she was going back to work, which would have been like yesterday

"I don't think so... is everything okay?" She ask me and I nod

"Yea I just- wanted to talk to her about viv" I sigh

"Maya told me you broke up" she says and I nod

"She also told me why" she says

"I'm fine, it's not true" I say quickly

"You know, it's okay to ask for help. Hunny viv telling her moms was the right thing" she says and I shake my head

"No it wasn't. I have no one! And and viv doesn't understand that, she has you and her moms and everyone here" I exclaim and sigh

"I'm sorry.. I got to go" I say and leave the station quick and just went home

I could have went to the apartment but I didn't know where they were

"Where the hell were you?" My dad yells along with slapping me across the face

"I just went for a walk" I say and hold my hand on my now burning cheek

"You are not to leave this house" he says and pushes me toward the stairs, I tripped over something and ended up hitting my head on the bottom stair instantly giving me a headache

"You're fine, get up and go" my dad says and I get up and walk upstairs and fall into my bed, letting the tears fall

I stayed there for a while before texting Maya To find out about viv

Mayas POV

"Andy just called, she said Emma came by the station looking for me". I tell Carina, we were getting ready to go see viv again

"I wonder what she needed" Carina says and I nod, as soon as we got in the car I got a message from Emma

Emma: Hey... I know viv is mad and you guys probably are too but she hasn't even looked at my messages, can you just let me know she is okay

I read the message off to Carina and sighed

"What do I tell her?" I ask

"Just... tell her viv is okay and will message her as soon as she can" Carina says and I nod and type it out

"Should I tell her about the hospital so she isn't wondering?" I ask

"You can, don't say any details, just that she is in the hospital for a few days but will text her when she comes home" Carina says and I nod

Viv didn't have her phone on her, they never said anything about it and she never asked for it so it's at home in her room

I sent the message and began to the drive to the hospital

"Emma says, is she okay and can I come see her?" I read off the message to Carina

"We have to ask viv, just wait and reply" she says and I nod

When we got to the hospital and checked in to see viv she was sitting in the common area but she looked so exhausted, I doubt she has even slept. She didn't sleep well at home some nights, this is our second time being here to see her, she has 2 days left

"Hey sunshine" I smile and sit down next to her and she leans into me

"Have you slept at all?" I ask and she nods.

"A little" she says

"Emma asked about you" Carina says and viv perks up

"What she want?" She ask

"She wanted to make sure you were okay and why you weren't answering her. We just told her you would text when you could but they you were in the hospital" carina says and she nods

"She also wants to know if she can come see you" I say

"No, I don't want her here" she says defensively

"Okay, okay that's fine" Carina tells her

"Maybe when you come home" Carina says and viv shrugs

"Why does she care now? I have texted her multiple times and she hasn't responded" viv tells us

"I don't know sweet girl" I sigh

"Do you want to talk to her?" I ask and she shakes her head

"No" she says and I nod and drop the topic

While she was laying on me and talking to Carina I quickly texted emma

Maya: she is okay, it's not really a good time to come see her, maybe when she comes home. I will let you know

Emma: she doesn't want to see me does she?

Maya: she is just going through a tough time,

Emma: it's okay, I understand

Maya: Carina and I just want you to know even if you and viv are not together you can still come to us if you need anything

Emma: thanks, I appreciate that

I feel bad for Emma, I relate to her

My dad was abusive, not in the way hers it but he still was, and I didn't recognize that. The same way Emma doesn't,

If we were able to take in Emma we would, Carina and I talked about it. If it had came to it we would have temporarily as an emergency thing

And we would still help Emma if she wanted us too, but now we need to focus on our daughter

"So have you made any friends?" Carina ask viv and she chuckles

"In the psych ward mama?" Viv giggles

"Hey I'm sure you could make some" I say and she smiles, the first time I have seen that since being here,

Leaving her again is going to suck, it's like it gets worse every time even if its closer to her coming home

We stayed the entire time this time, viv didn't leave us to go back to her room like she had before

Goodbyes were Terrible, these have been the longest 5 days of my life

Till next time❤️

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