Chapter 44

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Long time ago

Mayas POV

Viviana is now 4, she takes after Carina in so so many ways,

She is really good at English and Italian, sometimes she will be talking to us and mix up her words so it's both English and Italian

She does speak English more though

But she is the cutest little girl ever, and her attitude? She is definitely carinas kid

"Mommy!" I hear and turn around to see viv run across the barn to me

"Viviana! No running in the firehouse unless there is a fire" Carina yells after her and viv giggles in my arms after I pick her up

"Mama got you there" I say and she smiles and holds on to my neck

"Sorry mama" viv says and Carina smiles and kisses her head

"It's okay bambina" mama smiles and we walk up to the beanery

"What are you two doing here?" I ask them, I still had 12 hours of my shift left and Carina was off today

"We came to see you mommy!" Viv smiles and I kiss her cheek when we walk into the beanery

"Ah! There is my favorite niece" Andy says and comes over and takes viv out of my arms

"How are you mija?" Andy ask her

"Good tia, mama and me made cookies and and we went to the park and we get to see mommy!" Viv smiles again and moves her arms around as she talks just like Carina does

"Wow! Sounds like you had a very fun day" Andy smiles

I love the way the team interacts with her, she loves them all and is so loved by them

"Let's go down to mommy's office, tell Tia bye" I say

"Bye bye tia!" Viv smiles happily and reaches for me and I hold carinas hand as we go to my office and viv goes straight to a drawer at my desk and pulls it out and gets a couple of pieces of chocolate and brings them to us

"Posso avere candy please mama and mommy?" She ask us

"Not right now vivi, we need to eat lunch first" Carina says and viv pouts

"Mommy, please?" Viv says looking at me now and I look to Carina

I really hate saying no to her

"I'm sorry baby girl, why don't you take those with you and you can eat them after lunch" I suggest and she sits on the floor with the candy in her hands

"But mommy! I want candy, I'm hungry" she says and Carina picks her up and takes the chocolate from her hands

"You can have candy later if you are good for mama" I tell her

"Fine- okay" she says and I give her a kiss and one to Carina

"I love you" I tell them

"I love you too" Carina says

"Mommy when you coming home?" Viv ask me

"I'll be there when you wake up" I say and she lets out an overly exasperated sigh

"Oh okay miss prissy, mommy loves you and I will see you in the morning, be good for mama" I say and she nods

"Bye bye mommy" she says and her and Carina walk out of my office

I finished my shift and got home around midnight, the lights were out and the house was quiet

I put my stuff by the door and went to check on Viviana

When I walked in her room she was asleep in her bed,

She had to have her room decorated with barbies, she had so many of them yet it was still her choice of toy

I walked over to her bed and kissed the top of her head and she rolled over

"Shit" I mumble

"Mommy?" Viv ask and opens her eyes

"Hi sunshine, go back to bed" I say

"Can I sleep with you and mama?" She ask and I smile, again, how can you say no to those beautiful brown eyes?

"Come on baby girl" I say and pick her up and she lays her head on my shoulder

I took her to Carina and I's room and she crawled into bed next to Carina

"Maya?" Carina ask

"I'm here my love, go to sleep. I'm just going to shower quick" I say and she nods and viv cuddles up to her while I go and shower

Once I came back out  they had both fallen asleep again, I smiled and got into bed next to viv and she turned around and cuddled into my chest

I'm going to miss the days when she doesn't want to cuddle with us anymore

The next morning I was woken up by viv patting my head

"Mommy.... Mommy wake up" she says

"What's wrong?" I ask with my eyes closed

"Nothing mommy" she giggles and I heard Carina laughing too so I opened my eyes and seen that they had brought breakfast into the bed

"Surprise!" Viv yells and I sit up

"Did you Make all this?" I ask her

"Mama did!" She smiles

"The bambina helped" Carina clarifies and I smile

"Thank you both" I tell them and viv moves to sit in Carina lap

After we had all ate breakfast in bed we got up and dressed so we could go on a walk

Viv wanted us all to match so that's what we did, anything for our baby

"Mama can we get a puppy?" Vivi ask as we were passing the dog park, well, almost anything

"Ah I don't think so piccola" Carina answers

"Why not?" She ask

"Because mama and I have to work a lot" I tell the 4 year old

"But I don't work" she says

"Is that right? I thought you did" I say and she giggles

"No silly!" She says and I look to Carina who was smiling

When we made it to the park viv pulled Carina and I to the play set and made us watch her go down the slide at least 10 times before she wanted to swing

About 2 years ago Carina and I tried to have another baby but it just didn't happen, unfortunately. Carina took it really hard and spent a few weeks just laying in bed

Viv caught on to her mama and instead of her being her normal loud, spunky self she calmed down and spent a lot of time with Carina

I'm glad that now the two of them are back to their normal a selfs, I love their mother daughter bond

"Mommy come play!" Viv tells me and I smile and go to where she and Carina were playing

After a long day at the park viv was out of it on the walk home so I ended up carrying her halfway back to the apartment while also holding carinas hand

"I love you" I tell her and she smiles

"I love you too bella" she responds

When we get back to the apartment I laid viv in her bed and cuddled up with Carina on the couch,

While a couple of years ago I didn't want kids, I'm so so glad I changed my mind

I don't know what I would do if I didn't have Viviana by my side anymore

Till next time❤️

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