Chapter 41

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I don't put Trigger warnings In this story but this chapter can be very triggering, please read with caution.

Emma's POV

It's been a week since I broke up with Viv, it's for the better anyway

She'll get over me, she'll move on with someone who doesn't have any baggage

My dad is a lot, I know that, and that girl Mandy coming here really freaked me out

I don't know why viv would do that, she knows I have no one, if I were to be taken I would be in the foster system, which means I would be with strangers, potentially in more danger than I am with my dad

I love Viviana, and I probably always will, but for now... we're not good together

She has been texting me but I just haven't been able to reply, I know I hurt her by breaking up with her but she hurt me more 

The day we broke up was the first day I cut since I met her,  I hated myself for that

Vivianas POV

I haven't talked to or seen Emma in a week, it's killing me.

I haven't gone that long without talking to her since we started hanging out and now- it's over

I haven't left my room, or ate anything since she left

Im too tired to live, to be here

Before I met emma I wanted to die, I wanted to just end all the pain I was in, I wanted to be okay

She made me okay, she made me happy

But now that she is gone, I feel the way I did before

Like everything is falling to pieces, I'm just tired of everything

My moms come in and see me and leave me food because they know I won't get out of bed

I take a few bites of food a day and that's it, just to make them happy

I cut every day since, my legs are so sore now, my wrist even

I just keep thinking, how much pressure would it take to end it all, I want too, I'm going too

I knew that if I ever got to my wrist I wouldn't be able to stop and I was right

It hurts but it feels so good at the same time

I hide the cuts on my wrist with my watch, my moms would freak if they knew what I was doing

I think they might suspect it but, they don't ask

All I know is tonight.... Is the night

Mayas POV

I am worried about viv. She doesn't leave her room, she doesn't eat.

Carina hates going to work because she doesn't want to leave her alone but she can't just skip so she is only working half days

I haven't been back to the station yet but I can go back tomorrow but with viv the way she is I can't, I know there is no way I can get her out of bed to come with me so I don't know what I am going to do

Speaking of the station, Andy is coming over in a few to spend some time with me and so we can get caught up

I made a late  breakfast for viv and took it back to her

She was in bed laying and staring at the wall

"Viviana.... I got you some breakfast sunshine" I say and out it on the end table

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