Chapter 35

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Vivianas POV

Its been 3 days since moms accident and she still isn't awake,

Emma's been with me the entire weekend but she has school tomorrow, it's her last week of school so there is no way I am letting her skip anymore

Especially not with the consequences she'll have with her dad

But.... The doctors are going to wake mom up today

Mama hasn't left the hospital but Andy takes me and Emma to the hospital once a day and I take clothes for mama so she can shower at the hospital

"What time is Andy getting here?" Emma ask me

"In the next hour?" I tell her and she nods

Her and Andy have gotten along pretty well

I know Emma doesn't have any family outside of her dad so I'm glad mine can step in

"Are you ready for today?" She asked me and puts her hands on my waist

"Kinda... I want her to wake up. But I'm scared she won't be the same"I admit and keep my hands on her waist as well

"Well..... I think that she will be fine, but I also know that she might not be the same for a little.... Remember she's been asleep for a while" she tells me and I nod

"What was it like? When your mom died?" I ask

"I'm sorry that was rude" I say and she shakes her head

"It's okay, and... it all happened kind of fast..., I was only 8 so I don't remember it all" she says and I nod

"But... I remember being lost... I didn't know why it was her. My mom was my everything, and one day that was gone" she says with tears in her eyes

"Then, it was just- my dad. And he got angry so much more, I think he was mad at the world. But that meant I just had to be careful around him... and I still kind of have to" she admits and I carefully wipe her eyes

"But... you my beautiful girlfriend, have nothing to worry about, because your mom is going to be okay" she says and kisses my head and I nod

"I love you Emma" I tell her and Andy comes in the apartment

"Hey... what's going on?" She ask us

"Nothing... we're okay" Emma says and I nod in agreement

"Okay well let's be going" Andy says and we follow her outside

Once at the hospital we met mama in her office and she led us to moms room where her doctors were

"Okay bambina stay here with tia until they wake her up" mama says and I nod

"I got her Carina, go take care of Maya" Andy says and mama nods and goes into the room

A few seconds later the one and only she devil arrived

"What are you doing here?" I ask her

"I came to support your mama" Gabriella tells me

"She doesn't need you," I snap

"Viviana" tia sighs

"Mom doesn't even like her! She shouldn't be here!" I exclaim

"Viviana that's enough, this is not the time nor the place, stop" Andy scolds and I roll my eyes and try to walk away but Emma grabs my hands and brings me into her arms

"I know you're upset, and I will always stand behind you but.... Maybe just ignore her" Emma whispers and I nod and hide my face in her chest

"Piccolo moccioso" Gabriella mumbles and it took all I had not to snap at her again

{Little Brat}

Carinas POV

These past few days have been terrible, Maya in the hospital has been draining, I have been so scared not knowing if my wife was going to wake up

I have been trying to make sure Maya is okay, trying to make sure Viviana is okay, it's a lot

"Are you ready?" Amelia ask me and I nod and they began to start medications to wake Maya up

"Remember, she is going to be in a lot of pain"  Meredith tells me and I nod

"I know" I say and they nod

A couple minutes later, Maya began to move and wake up

"Carina come keep her calm" Teddy says and I nod and move in front of Maya

She was starting to cough around the breathing tube and her eyes kept darting around the room

"Maya... Maya tesoro it's okay.... Breathe bambina" I instruct and she nods

"Good girl" I tell her, in normal situations it would always make her blush

"Maya.... Can you hear me?" Amelia ask and Maya nods carefully

"Do you know what happened?" Amelia ask and she shakes her head and brings her hand to the breathing tube

"Do you want us to take it out?" Teddy ask and Maya nods

I knew they were keeping it in for worse case scenario

I watched at the took the tube out and Maya winced and carefully drank some water

"Maya" I say, tears bringing my eyes and she looked to me

"Don't talk" I tell her, knowing it would be very sore

"Maya you were in an accident at work, you were stuck in a burning building as something fell on you... you had surgery and we fixed all the problems, you have been asleep for 3 days due to the medication" Meredith explains and Maya looks at me and tries to talk again

"Viv?" She ask and I smile

"She's okay, she's in the hall, do you want to see her?" I ask and she nods and o bring viv in while Emma stayed with Andy and I noticed Gabriella out there on her phone

"Mommy?" Viv ask when we walk in, you could tell she was scared about everything,

"She can't talk right now, the tube made her throat very sore" I tell her and she nods

Vivianas POV

She looks sick, I mean I know she will be okay now but. I wish she didn't get hurt in the first place

I stood next to mama and mom motioned for me to go closer and I looked up to make sure it was okay

"Go ahead" mama says and I walk towards mom and she holds my hands and I could tell I was about to cry again

But I didn't want to cry, I cried so much these past few days

"Bambina, you're okay, moms okay. Calm down baby girl" mama says and puts her hand on my shoulder and I turn around so I could hug her and she held my head to her chest as I cried

"Make it stop" I tell her, I hated the way I was feeling, I hated how easily I would Spiral out of my own control

Mama nodded to the doctors and they left

"Bambina, guardami" mama says and I do

{look at me}

"Mom is going to be just fine, she'll heal for a couple days and then come home" mama says and I nod and then back to mom who had her eyes closed

"Mama!? What happened?" I ask

"They had to give her some pain medicine, it will just make it worse if she is in pain" mama says and I nod

"I'm sorry... you shouldn't have to keep helping me. You should be helping mom" I whisper

"Viviana, I will always, always help you. No matter the situation you come first, I'm not going to let you suffer on your own when I know I can help" mama says and I nod

"You're such a good mom.... I don't deserve you"

Till next time❤️

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