Chapter 61

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Mayas POV

Viv was supposed to be ungrounded today but she decided to snap and have an attitude with Carina so it's gotten extended and she is not happy about that

She's just mainly mad she hasn't been able to talk to Emma,

Speaking of Emma, she is supposed to come over Friday for the weekend. I already talked to her foster mom

They seem like good people, I mean they are letting her come over, I'm not sure if they know about her in a relationship with viv or not

Carina and I did tell viv that Emma wasn't coming if she kept up with the attitude so we're hoping it stops, either way though we're still letting Emma come over. She needs some familiarity

Vivianas POV

Mom and I have been at the station for a while now and she told me to go find someone to bother,

It has been a very bad 2 days, I was supposed to get my phone back today but no, of course my moms had to be all difficult and mean and change their mind just because I might have accidentally snapped at mama

In my defense she snaps at me all the time, do I deserve it? Maybe but still

This was really the first time they have grounded me since everything happened, mom asked me extra times if I was okay the past few days, I know they are still worried about everything

I love my moms, I do. But their hovering all the time is kind of annoying

Anyways I couldn't find anyone that I wanted to talk to so I went back to my moms office and sat down in the chair across from her desk, she was looking at the computer and filling out some form

"Can I have my phone back now?" I ask her

"No, we already told you" mom says, not taking her eyes off her work

"But come on! I'm so bored and I said sorry" I tell her and she shakes her head, still not looking at me

"You're being rude, it's my phone" I say and she sighs

"Viviana stop it. You shouldn't have snapped at mama" she says and I roll my eyes and lay back into the chair

"Well then I need to go home now," I say

"You will go home when mama gets off" she says and I frown

"I'm going to start my period today and I don't have anything" I say and she sighs

I wasn't lying, my period comes on the third Thursday of every month, we'll sometimes it's not the third Thursday but still Thursday

"And if you knew this why didn't you bring anything?" Mom ask and I shrug

"I forgot about it" I tell her

"You're still not going home until mama gets here, there are plenty of women in this firehouse, and i keep extras" she said and I groan

I hate being here all day, I remember liking the station when I was younger, mama would bring me in to see mom sometimes but back then she would still have to run into fires and all and have really long shifts so when mama brought me in it was a nice treat

I wish I was still younger, I was happier then, The only thing I had to worry about was how much longer I had until bed time

I didn't have to worry about upsetting my moms, because I knew they would always love me and be there

I know they still are but it's different, I wish things would go back to the way they used to be

I remember saying how I wanted to grow up faster, how I wanted more freedom and to be able to things on my own

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