Chapter 9

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Vivianas POV

It's the next day now, you know, since mom and I "talked" in her office

I don't think she told mama, mama hasn't said anything

She came home from work and we made dinner together and ate on the couch while watching tv then we went to bed

Now its 7 am and I am waiting for mom to get home so she can take me to school

I got ready, black leggings and light green and white t-shirt along with my green jacket and waited for mom

Half an hour later she was walking through the door

"You ready?" I ask her

"Actually- why don't we do something today" she says and i stop in place

"What about school? I have school" I say and she nods

"And you can skip. I am your mom" she says and I nod

"Yea I know but" I say, and stop, mom never lets me skip school for no reason

Mama? Yea maybe but mom never

"I'll call the school and it will be fine, we can go out and get some food and maybe go on a walk" she says

Usually I wouldn't hesitate but after yesterday.... Maybes she's going to throw me in the loony bin

"Go put your book bag away and come on" she says and I walk to my room and do as she says

She wouldn't actually leave me right?

Just my imagination

I walked back out to her and she smiles

"Aren't you tired?" I ask her

"I slept at the station, quiet night" she says and I nod, she never sleeps at the station

"Okay" I say hesitantly and we get in the car and she drives to a diner where her and mama and I have been multiple times

So far so good

"Why is your face like that?" Mom ask and I look up at her and we both start laughing

"You're scaring me" I say and she frowns

"It's just..... I'm not used to this and I can't help but think it's because of yesterday" I say quietly and she nods

"I would be lying if I said it wasn't because of yesterday" she says and i nod

"But only because I was us to spend more time together and I owe you an apology. I should have never talked with Andy in the first place. And I should have been more sensitive asking you those questions. I would like to try again properly later" she says and I nod

"Thank you. I just....I love tia and all but..... some things aren't meant for everyone" I say and she nods

"And I'm so sorry," she says

"It's okay, really" I say and she smiles

"So are you really upset about skipping school?" She ask and I smile and shake my head, I

By the time we got our food it was almost 8:30

I don't eat breakfast, I'm typically not hungry but I don't want to give her another reason to think I'm hurting myself so I ate a little and boxed the rest to go of which I would eat when we got home

Once we reached the trail we like to hike it was past 9 and I got a call from mama

"Viviana Kate! Why aren't you in school?" She ask and I put the phone on speaker, encouraging mom to tell her

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