Chapter 55

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Emma's POV

I ran from my house and only had one place to go that was close enough

The station, I knew Maya wouldn't be there because of her new job she doesn't really work late much

But I knew I couldn't get to their house, not without being found or passing out, the pain in my head, my body hurt so bad

When I reached the station I didn't see anyone at the reception so I went straight to Mayas office, I knew it was locked but I didn't know what else to to

I sent a text to viv and leaned against the door, hoping no one else would find me

Vivianas POV

I can't wait for the weekend, Emma is supposed to come Friday night and I just hope it stayed that way

Mom, mama and I are currently eating dinner, which I don't think I'll ever get tired of mamas cooking

Halfway through dinner I felt my phone vibrate, I wasn't supposed to be on it during dinner, again, stupid rule

I took it out anyway and smiled when I seen Emma's name pop up but that smile quickly fell as soon as I seen what It said

Emma: I need you to come to the station now. Please

"Bambina, phone away" mama says

"Mama we have to go" I say and get up

"What?" Mom asked

"Emma's at the station, she said she needs me there, please can we go? Emma doesn't do this" I say and they sigh,

"Okay, I'll call Andy and tell her to find Emma until we get there" mom says and I nod and quickly put my shoes on and we went out the door

When we arrived to station Andy was yelling orders and they were in the barn

"Tia? Tia what happened" I ask running towards her with moms behind me

"She's hurt, we need to take her to the hospital" she says and I could see Emma laying on the stretcher,

"I'm coming" I say

"Viv you can't, it's against protocol" mom says and I ignore her and get into the aid car next to Emma

"It's fine Maya, we'll meet you there?" Andy ask mom and they nod

I grabbed Emma's hand and looked over her, her face was so bruised, I couldn't see anything else because of her clothes

I looked up at Andy and she was staring at me, I followed her face and realized my scar was in the open, I left so quickly and was so worried I didn't even notice

"I'm fine" I tell her and switch hands with Emma

"Is she going to be okay?" I ask her And she nods

"Yes, she will be okay, I think she may have a concussion and she's probably in so much pain which adds to Being asleep, she's responsive" she says and I nod

When we got to the hospital I had to move so they could work on her,

How did this happen?

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