Chapter 18

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Vivianas POV

Emma and I have been in my room for a few hours now, I didn't want to bring up her arm anymore, or how she got the injuries. I mean I know she told me her dad did it but.. she doesn't want to talk about it anymore

"Bella! I'm home" I heard mama yell and Emma looks towards me

"She might go overboard but she is really sweet" I tell Emma and she smiles and nods and we go out to see her

"Mama, this is Emma, Emma, my mom Carina" I tell them both and they do the same introductions that mom and Emma did earlier

"What happened to your arm?" Mama ask her

"Oh I fell this morning pretty hard" Emma tells her and she nods

"Well... you should let me look at that before bed. Don't need it getting any worse" mama says and Emma nods

"I'm going to start dinner, it was nice meeting you Emma" mama says and I take Emma back to my room

"You lied" I say and she sighs and we lay on my bed once again

"Viv. Stop" she says and I sigh but agree and don't say anything else

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to upset you" I say and began to scratch at my hands to distract myself, I really didn't want to upset her

"Its fine, honestly and I'm not upset, I just don't want to talk about it" she says and we both sit up

"You want to watch a movie?" I ask and she smiles

I cut on some random movie and we laid down on opposite sides of the bed

It's not that I didn't want to be closer but i didn't want to make her uncomfortable,

I have never had any friends that I felt this comfortable with, well, actually I did once like 8 years ago but something happened in her family and I haven't seen her since

"Are you scared of me?" Emma chuckles

"Why would I be scared ?" I ask

"Well you're way over there" she exaggerates and I shake my head

"Come closer, I promise I don't bite... unless you want me to" she says and I gasp

"Emma!" Exclaim and we both laugh and I move over closer to her, where we were touching and we continued to watch the movie

I think we had both fell asleep because I don't even remember the movie and the next thing I know mama was waking us up for dinner

"Did not mean to do that" I say sitting up and wiping my eyes and Emma does the same

"I'm so tired" she groans and lays back down

"Get up! She will come back in here" I laugh and and she rolls out to bed. Literally

We then went to the kitchen where mama was setting everything on the table

"How was work?" I ask mama

"It was a good day, Jo and I delivered a bunch of babies" mama smiles, jo is one of her work friends and my favorite

"Viv said you were a surgeon, she didn't say you were an OB" Emma says

"You didn't ask!" I say, defending myself

After dinner we both helped mama clean up and she looked at Emma's arm and said it should be fine

"Alright bambini. I'm heading to bed, come get me if you need me" she says

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