Chapter 20

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Hey There,

Chapter 20 is here and it is dedicated to @Thewritingalien :D

Darya’s wolf pic on the side>>>



“Everything in the universe has a rhythm, everything dances. ” 
― Maya Angelou



“Oh” I said after hearing Quillon’s explanation.

He nodded. If it weren’t for the gravity in his eyes and tone, I would have laughed. But he was dead serious about the dancing part as well as barging into the station to kill that offender.

“You didn’t ask me to dance” I reminded.

“Why ask when I already know the answer?” he said smoothly.

“So arrogant” I whispered shaking my head and he smiled, a genuine smile from Quillon that had my heart thumping wildly. “I can still say no” I pointed out and he shot me a ‘really’ kind of look.

He was right! I am not going to say no because I wanted this too. My wolf wanted to be close to him especially after hearing Leah’s crude remarks.

“Do you know to dance?” I asked narrowing my eyes.

We were both facing each other, but there was an arm length gap between us.

“I know” Quillon said and my eyes widened in surprise. “It was a part of co-curricular activities in my school.”

“They taught you tango in school?”

“And many other ballroom dances” he added smoothly.

“Who was your partner?”

“I forgot her name” he replied with a shrug. “Do you know tango?”

“I am a trained dancer honey. Do you think you can keep up with me?” I asked sweetly.

“Don’t. Call me that.” was his reply and I giggled.

“Okay. Do you want to lead or follow?”


“Expected” I sighed and Quillon narrowed his eyes, but didn’t comment anything else. Instead, he held my hand and pulled me towards his body. I gasped in surprise and the total philistine smirked. Sucking in a breath, I straightened my spine and lifted my chin. Once my eyes locked with his dark ones, I was lost. After that I let him guide me around the dance floor.

Quillon was the first one to move to the slow rhythm of the music, using the basic steps and I quickly followed his lead. When he placed his left feet forward, I placed my right feet backwards. I kept mirroring his moves until the music went to a fast pace. That’s when Quillon lifted me in his arms and twirled a few times, before gently helping me get on my feet as the pace of the music slowed down.

Tingles spread across my skin when he would touch me. Be it just while embracing or while he placed a loose but firm hand on my hips or while he held my hands or sometimes when he just looked at me. I was so aware of his every single touch that breathing was a challenge, most of the times.

Our bodies moved together as we glided around the dance floor. Quillon was good. He was really good at this because he moved confidently, seductively to every beat while he kept leading me around the dance floor.

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