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Natasha slowly stood up and walked out of the room, cradling a sleeping baby. I smiled at her, momentarily distracted. As soon as she was out of view I was drawn back into the hectic brainstorming circle as we tried to figure out what to do about Evan and Ava, after 20 minutes, Natasha still hadn't come back, I went to go check on her.

I stopped outside the slightly open door, I saw Natasha standing beside the crib, lost in her own world. A piece of my heart broke off at that moment. I could see the love in her face as she watched Avery sleep. I knew she could be the greatest mother imaginable, but, she couldn't have that, and that broke my heart. I pushed the door open a little more and instantly regretted it when the door creaked and Natasha looked up at me. I opened the door more and stepped into the room.


"For what?" She shrugged and walked over to the changing table. Seemingly oblivious to the fact she'd been standing there, watching her, for 15 minutes. She picked up a onesie and put it in the laundry hamper. She walked out the door past me after one last look in Avery's direction

"Come on. Lets go see if they have an idea yet"

"Natasha-" she slowly turned back around to face me as I pulled the door closed


" know what, never mind" she smiled and gave me another kiss before talking my hand and walking down the hall.

Saving NatashaWhere stories live. Discover now