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"Ok.......there, all done, what do you think Aves?" She put her hands on my shoulders and squeezed gently.

"Absolutely gorgeous" Nat blushed slightly at the compliment and rolled her eyes. I held up a mirror for her and she looked at herself.

"O Wanda, its perfect, thank you" she smiled and I chuckled.

"Ok ok me next!" Ava giggled excitedly and ran in a little circle around the room. I caught her waist and tackled her into a chair.

"Oh my fuck calm down!" She giggled more and I sat in front of her, I grabbed a few brushes and started doing Ava's make up. Natasha walked over to the widow and stared it into the gardens, her eyes travelled beyond what was in front of her, they delved into memories, reliving moments from her past, a small smile graced her lips.

"Penny for you thoughts?" Ava queried, snapping Natasha out of her trance, she looked over at us and smiled again.

"I may or may not have been thinking about Steve"

"Ugh...I coulda told you that, biggest waist of a penny ever" i giggled and returned my attention to Avas make up

"Hey! What do you expect, I'm marrying the guy, I'm in love with him, of course I'm going to think about him" Nat reasoned as she walked over to us.

"What are you doing with your hair?" She queried walking behind me and running her hands through it.

"Ummmm I don't know, I'll probably curl it" I shrugged and continued to work on Avas make up. Natasha grabbed a brush off the dresser and ran it through my hair.

"...or you can do whatever you want with it" I chuckled.

"Yay! Luv ya!" she smiled wide and placed a quick kiss on my cheek. I chuckled and rubbed off the red print it left there.

Nat grabbed a few bobbins and pins, and sat herself down behind me. We giggled and chatted as I did Avas make up and Nat did my hair.

"Hey JARVIS? Play us a song"

"Of course Ms. Romanoff...any particular requests?"

"Not really, just something good"

Slipping through my fingers from momma Mia came on and I looked over to Ava. We both turned slowly to look at Nat,

"The feeling that I'm losing her forever"

"And without really entering her world"

"I'm glad whenever I can share her laughter"

"That funny little girl" Nat looked at the two of us and raised her eyebrows.

"First of all, I'm older than you" she pointed at Ava "and second of all, this song is written from a mothers point of view so both of you...back off" she chuckled as I glanced over at Ava again, and we burst back into song. Much more enthusiastic now. Ava stood up and walked towards Nat who stood up and started running away from her. We giggled and laughed when Ava jumped up onto the bed and played a little air guitar.

"Ok ok enough. Come on the songs over we have to get a move on if we want to be there on time" Nat ushered Ava off the bed and walked over to the wardrobe where her dress was hanging.

"But Nat, don't you know its tradition for the bride to arrive fashionably late" Ava plopped down onto the bed striking a pose. Nat giggled.

"Yes, and I'm already going to be late, so put on your dress and come here so I can do your hair" Ava groaned and stuck her tongue out at Nat before walking over to her room to get dressed.

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