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While everyone was distracted by the incoming plan i crept out of the shack. I walked around the side, still out of sight, but if i walked round to the other side, I could make it look like i had just arrived.

All eyes were on the plane as the door opened. Oolong, why was Oolong here. He has been on the run from SHIELD for the past 4 years. I had personally been assigned to the case, there were plenty of associates caught, they all told the same story, never met him in person, never saw his face, all interaction was online.

I had only seen him once, and i was lucky to escape.

That's why Flynn wanted me here, I'm sure he'd love to take out the SHIELD agent who'd taken down many of his close associates and seen his face.

"Where is this girl then" oolong made his way down the steps

"She's on her way, she should be here soon" Flynn was eager, whatever Oolong had for sale, he wanted it, bad.

"Who's that" he nodded toward ava

"She's just here to ensure widow comes quietly. So do you, do you have it" flynn was trying to act like he didnt care, but it was obvious, he was like a child at Christmas

"No of course not, you really think I'd bring it here. No, its back at my base, once i get the money, and the widow, you'll come with me to get it" Oolong sneered at Flynn's eagerness.

"Where is the widow!" He demanded

Flynn turned to his men "uh um she's....shes comi.."

"I'm here" all faces turned to me. Flynn looked relieved that i was here, Oolong glared at me

"So the famous black widow, finally, i have you" he said it in mandarin, flynn didnt understand, but I'd taught ava some a while ago

I glanced at ava. I started walking closer to the group stopping when i was a couple feet from oolong and within arms reach of a few guards. "Not just yet" i responded in perfect mandarin

Oolongs face fell he started to back up a little, Ava smiled, "ready" she asked sticking with the mandarin theme.

"Born ready" with that i grabbed the guy to my right, twisting him around till his body was in front of mine. I grabbed the gun out of the holster on his belt and shot at two of the guards closest to me, i manoeuvred my human shied to the ground, tasing him so he couldn't get back up.

It was chaos. There were arms and legs flying every where. There were guns firing to my right, and grenades exploding to my left. There were three men running at me, i shot down 2 of them and punched the third in the gut, as a he doubled over i brought my knee up hard, straight into his face

I heard shouting to my right and saw Ava surrounded my 4 guys. I quickly grabbed a gun from one of the lifeless bodies at my feet and started firing at the men, 2 went down, instantly dead, another was injured, trying to run for cover holding his shoulder, Ava could handle the other one.

I looked around, 2,3,4,5,6,7. 7 people that i could see. Oolong was running up the steps on his plane and Flynn was hiding behind the small shack. I heard someone running up behind me, and quickly turned, gun raised. It was Ava. I brought my gun down, "I make 7 hostiles, Flynn's by that building, oolongs on the plane, but the pilot is on the ground over there, he's stuck"

"Ill deal with the 2 who've broken off to the right and circle around to Flynn" she ran off and i smiled.

I aimed my gun and took down 2 more. Two left, and i was out of ammo. I threw my gun to the side and ran at the closer one. I jumped at him, swinging myself around and onto his shoulders, i brought my elbow down on the top of his head and he fell to the ground.

The other guy seemed stronger. He didn't have a gun but looked like he knew how to fight, he's probably well trained in most combat, he'll know how to block my blows. Completely random attacks, mixing all the styles together.

After 5 minutes of good fighting, we were on the ground, he had me pinned. I smiled at him, as he moved slightly i leant up and kissed him, his whole body relaxed, loosening his grip on my hands. I pulled free and flipped him over. I tied his hands and took off after oolong.

He was hiding under a table on the plane, some crime lord. I quickly had him out on the floor. I tied his hands to a chair so he couldn't move and went back out side to find ava.

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